There are 1 repository under json-server-mock topic.
Webpack React Typescript Boilerplate
A customizable web server for mocking HTTP JSON API responses for REST webservices.
Protótipo de API de arquivos estáticos e dados do portal Geosampa
React app to track IT department tasks and issues. Uses JSON-Server as a mock backend.
:computer: A simple online fake REST API server
Food Delivery app built using Angular and JSON server with both User and Admin Side
Node REST mock server
Talent Trove is a one-destination application to find the React jobs you're looking for. Here you can find about the different React jobs offered across the globe with fantastic recruiters.
Angular Basic Structure to start
Dockerized JSON Server. Get a full fake REST API with zero coding in less than 30 seconds (seriously)
This is a group project at Masai. The fitness blender website provides customised fitness plan for any type of user including pregnent women who needs plan as per their requirements.
Приложение для управления строительной техникой
A basic task tracking project build using Angular
HTML CSS & React - IT management ticket point with add/edit/delete logs and techs using JSON-server as server mock
This is our 3rd Project in MASAI and this is a Hotel Bookings Website which our team of 6 members are going to make using React Library.
A simple example of creating a frontend task tracker with React JS
This is a To-do single page webapp made with react js
This repositories used for mocking json-server for practice using the following tech stacks: javascripts, json-server and nodejs
JSONPlaceholder is a free online REST API that you can use whenever you need some fake data. It can be in a README on GitHub, for a demo on CodeSandbox, in code examples on Stack Overflow, ...or simply to test things locally.
A fake bulk REST API to perform HTTP calls and get access to sample data for project use.
Uma api feita com json-server e cors, que simula uma imobiliária
Create React Rest API Product using JSON Server, React Hook and React Router
Task Tracker Application created with Angular and Json Server Api.
Angular crud operations with angular material and json server
The small projects built for practicing the following tech stacks: html, css, javascripts, react, redux, react-redux, redux-thunk, middlewares, styled-components and firebase
This is fake server mock api for small booking web application project. This api has been used for mocking server and performing CRUD operation for our project Orbitz.
This repository has been used for practicing json-server library and mocking api for database.
This is a social media application that is used to demonstrate the use of FETCH API using vanilla JS