Talent Trove is a one-destination application to find the React jobs you're looking for. Here you can find about the different React jobs offered across the globe with fantastic recruiters.
Talent Trove is a full-fledged website that supports the user's interaction around the pages. The main functionality of this website is to showcase the various job offers in different banners and page dedicated to each job description. Here recruiters can upload their own job descriptions according to their requirements and the potential candidates can go through as well.
Get the live demo of the deployed website through the link: Talent Trove App
The Talent Trove website used these tech stacks as mentioned below for its creation:
- React.js: The website is built using React.js.
- Vite: The project was initialized and was developed with the functionalities using Vite.
- Tailwind CSS: The styling is being done by tailwindcss for its simplicity and easy handling of classes.
- Render: The website is deployed and hosted on Render, making it accessible online.
- JSON Server: For the backend, this project is using a JSON server for a mock API service, with a data.json acting as the source of data for all the jobs. Since JSON-Server provides CRUD Operations for its API, it is, hence, a great tool to build a mock API server for building front-end applications.
Here are some preview images of the website pages:
Home Page
Jobs Page
Add New Job Page
Individual Job Page
Job Updation Page
The images provide a glimpse of the visually appealing and responsive website. Feel free to explore the deployed website to see the full design and functionality.