There are 0 repository under jinja-template topic.
Flask/Jinja Starter - BulmaPlay (Styled with Bulma CSS) | AppSeed
Jinja Template - Soft UI Dashboard | AppSeed
Jinja Template - AdminLTE Design | AppSeed
Jinja Template - Swipe One Page Bootstrap 5 | AppSeed
Jinja Template - Argon Dashboard | AppSeed
Monolithic model-view-controller full-stack web application built with Python, Flask, SQL Alchemy, MySQL, Jinja, and Bootstrap. Application Server hosted on AWS EC2 with Ubuntu, Gunicorn, and Nginx. MySQL Database on AWS RDS. Redis hosted on AWS Elasticache. CI/CD with Jenkins and AWS CodeDeploy
Jinja2 Template - Adminator Design | AppSeed
Jinja Template - Material Kit 2 (Bootstrap 5) | AppSeed
Home Assistant Template, Blueprint, Jinja, Appdaemon
Une application web construite avec Flask pour lire et afficher des flux RSS.
Developed project with intention of understanding of web scrapping, api integration, talking to 3rd party libraries
Jinja Template - CoreUI Dashboard (Free Version) | AppSeed
Jinja Template - Pixel Lite UI Kit | AppSeed
The Lunchbox Project is a digital platform aimed at solving the monthly food supply challenge. It offers a flexible meal plan and allows for online payments, connecting food providers and consumers with ease. The platform streamlines the food supply process.
Jinja Template - Star Admin 2 (Open-source) | AppSeed
Jinja Template - Light Bootstrap | AppSeed
Jinja Template - Material Kit PRO BS4 | AppSeed
Jinja Template - Volt Dashboard PRO | AppSeed
This project aims to create a more advanced version of Markdown
A School Website developed using HTML, CSS, JavaScript. Backend Developed using the Django and used the Jinja Template to integrate the UI (MVP Model).
Live parser for Jinja2
A Flask web application that uses a pre-trained ResNet50 model to identify cassava leaf diseases. The system allows farmers to upload leaf images and get disease predictions along with prevention methods. It includes modules for both Farmers and Agricultural Officers, with SQLite3 as the database for managing user and disease information.
Search Engine for real time results database from
A finance website where the user can login with their own credentials to buy and sell stocks
Password Manager
A Image classification CNN model with more than 85% accuracy. An interactive API is been designed using flask framework for better user experience. Techniques like batch normalization, dropouts is used for improved accuracy.
This Flask-based Book Recommendation System offers users two main features: a curated list of the top 50 books based on popularity, and personalized book recommendations based on advanced algorithms like Cosine Similarity and Collaborative Filtering. With a simple and intuitive interface.
Day 57 of #100DaysOfCoding
Day 59 of #100DaysOfCoding
The Event Management website provides students with a comprehensive view of various organization events, offering detailed event information. Students can share feedback for each event and access department-wise event listings. The search feature enables easy exploration of events by name and venue.
Python flask application - Fully functional blog site
Total projects in this repository - 12. Projects using Python, Flask, Jinja, SQLAlchemy, SQLite3, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap framework