There are 1 repository under java-platform topic.
Kafka Streams + Java + gRPC + TensorFlow Serving => Stream Processing combined with RPC / Request-Response
Awesome list about everything related to J2ME, a Java specification for old keypad phones and PDAs.
Overview of features that were introduced in Java 8-13.
BatBat :battery::zap: is an easy and free Maven Java game run in Spring Boot.
Learning what's new in Java SE 8
Play Platform is to build a high performance, high scalability java development platform
An adapter to use elf4j-engine as runtime logging service provider of Java 9 System.Logger API
🔥️☕️📖️ The official documentation source repository for the Blazed Café project, part of the BlazeOS operating system project.
A Regular Expression Engine ported from Microsoft's .Net Core Libraries for Java platform