There are 8 repositories under java-desktop-application topic.
ktPlayer - Music Player on Java 8 with using JavaFX (Desktop)
Modern window decorator for javafx applications
java 1.0 version created Sun MicroSystems 98/07/01
Aplikasi Perpustakaan Java Desktop, dibuat dengan java netbeans IDE
Java desktop application to calculate Body Mass Index (BMI)
SNMP based network bandwidth , data usage and speed monitor for SNMP enabled devices
Projeto de API - Construção de um assistente virtual que leia documentos e responda perguntas.
Java desktop application to generate random secure and strong password
Java desktop application written and designed with Netbeans for generating different types of fractal images.
JavaFx Spring-Boot Integeration. Build your JavaFX Application with spring boot features
Java desktop application to find the strength of password
This is a Java desktop application created using Java-FX 11
Smart Driving Liscnece Issuer
Basic calculator via Java desktop application, without any framework.
Sistema hotel Exercicio de OOP, faculdade
Projecto mini-sistema de Gestao
Simple password generator with gui.
Java desktop application to find Nth Fibonacci number
:computer:Criação de Uma Rede Social Com uma aplicação Java Desktop usando Swing.
Projeto de criação de um sistema de emissão de ordem de serviços e emissão de relatórios para uma pequena empresa de pequeno porte, que se trata de uma assistência técnica de microcomputadores e notebooks e periféricos, o gestor deseja obter controle dos serviços da empresa. o controle de clientes e usuários da empresa.
This repository is about a Video Library Management System implementing all the CRUD operations using JAVA Swing,JDBC and MYSQL
A soap request generator with GUI
XiaolongDictionary is a Java desktop application, which is dictionary and vocable trainer in one tool. It does not limit the languages it can be used for and supports utf-8.
A software that retrives data from the world bank repo and maps the findings onto selected graphical visual means.
Java Program for currency exchange Java Programming I and II solutions and exercises | University of Helsinki
Timer written on Java with GUI-library JavaFX