There are 1 repository under gpg-signature topic.
Custom actions for Thunar (or Nautilus) File manager
A GitHub App that enforces GPG signatures on pull requests (no longer maintained)
This is a guide to verify signed commits on Github.
A Node.js wrapper for gpg
Docker container to verify jars PGP signatures.
Shared setup environments across computers
Hash digest generation with checksum verification for confirming project release authenticity
Sign commits through the GitHub/GitLab web UI
a script that helps GPG users to use authentication keys for ssh connections and signing keys for signing commits
the open source repository for GnuPG Discord Bot
🖋️ Create a signed commit with GitHub Actions.
Quickstart information for installing GPG.
A Gradle plugin for creating APT repositories
Utilidades para mí día tras día y los principios que rigen mí trabajo como desarrollador de software.
For signing git commit remotely over SSH without exposing private key!
An esay tutorial about how to sign your commits in GitHub with Linux and Windows