There are 3 repositories under google-image-search topic.
Real time google image scraper. The process is automated by sending HTTP requests to retrieve image data which is then parsed and saved.
Google/Bing Images Web Downloader
This is a simple API built using Node.js and Express.js that allows you to perform Google Reverse Image Search by providing an image URL. The API uses Cheerio to scrap Google's image search engine's html to get result text and similar images url.
State of the art object detection in real-time using YOLOV3 algorithm. Augmented with a process that allows easy training of the classifier as a plug & play solution . Provides alert if an item in an alert list is detected.
This repository aims to implement an Image Search engine powered by the CLIP model.
Process Google Dataset is a tool to download and process images for neural networks from a Google Image Search using a Chrome extension and a simple Python code.
Script to download/scrape images from google
Automating applying icons to folders in Windows OS.
A package to search image sources using google services
Scrap images from google images with customs pre filled google dork options
Firefox extension for reverse searching images on Google through the browser's context menu.
Similar image scrapper from google reverse image search using selenium
A Safari extension that re-enables the 'view image' button in Google image search
This is an image search engine, here you can search for images of any quality and dimension
Package to obtain image information for things like data collection, or searching for higher resolution images
A simple python wrapper designed for leveraging Google's search by image capabilities to perform reverse image searches programatically.
Userscript which displays image dimensions (eg. "1920 × 1080") for each thumbnail on the Google Image Search results page.
A crate used to search Google Images based on provided arguments.
Reverse Image Search for Safari
Download images from custom google search service
Questo programma è rinominare i file .mp3 utilizzando i metadati salvati al suo interno utilizzando una regola a piacere. È anche possibile editare i metadati principali stessi
Scrape google lens and get matching images, website having given image, and extract text from given images in bulk
This is a library for retrieving and downloading images from Google Images.
A Go package used for retrieving the URLs or downloading Google Images search results.
Desktop program to download images from Google Images automatically.
Using Selenium to search Google image by image URL and download images.
GUI to convert articles into multimodal formats (for summary).
Baixador de imagens de sites com filtro que permite baixar so de sites com frase especifica, ele também procura os links do site e baixa as imagens que tiverem neles.
A twitter bot that posts a new tweet twice a day. It also likes and retweets others' tweets related to famous football player Cristiano Ronaldo.