rohitbatra1 / Safari-Reverse-Image-Search

Reverse Image Search for Safari

Repository from Github https://github.comrohitbatra1/Safari-Reverse-Image-SearchRepository from Github https://github.comrohitbatra1/Safari-Reverse-Image-Search

ImageFinder for Safari logo

ImageFinder is a Safari App Extension which allows users to easily reverse image search in Safari.

It currently enables reverse image search through Google, TinEye, & Yandex as context menu options.


Alt Text


  1. Install the App from the Mac App Store.
  2. Enable the Extension in Safari Preferences.


Right-Click on an Image in Safari and select either "Search Image with Google", "Search Image with TinEye", or "Search Image with Yandex" and the results will open in a new tab.

Technologies Used

Xcode, Swift, JavaScript


Reverse Image Search for Safari


Language:Swift 88.6%Language:JavaScript 11.4%