There are 0 repository under glut-project topic.
OpenGL project on the Spaceship Shooting Game
A mini game like flappy bird using freeglut, glew and soil2
This is a computer graphics project to display an environmental lake with 3D house, animated boat & sun, keyboard controlled fish and many more objects which i have made for my course. CodeBlocks IDE, OpenGL programming & C++ programming language are used to build the project "Environmental Lake"
this is the computer graphics project work with glut, c++, and code blocks. Here I am use "Rotation, Movement, Fan, Circle, Polygon, Translation, Special key, Sound, keyboard control".
OpenGL project on the Spaceship Shooting Game
A simple example in OpenGL with a cube which rotates on its y-axis
Space is a simulation in realtime developed in c++, win32 api & OpenGL