There are 2 repositories under gitlab-runner topic.
Full CI pipeline project based on Gitlab & Gitlab CI running Docker, completely automated setup by Vagrant & Ansible, providing Let´s Encrypt certificates for private Servers, multiple Gitlab-Runners and the Gitlab Container Registry, incl. GitLab Pages
Manifests to deploy GitLab on Kubernetes
This Ansible collection provides production-ready Ansible roles used for providing services used in research and by research software engineers, but not exclusively.
Use Podman as a custom executor for your Gitlab CI
Autoscale gitlab ci runners on hetzner cloud
Kubernetes Helm chart to deploy GitLab
Use AWS CDK to create gitlab runner, and use gitlab runner to help you execute your Gitlab Pipeline Job.
CloudFormation template to deploy a GitLab Runner with auto-scaling on AWS.
Gitlab CI Dashboard will provide you a global overview of all pipelines, schedules and their status within a single group
What happens when you Dockerize your Laravel testing environment and throw it at Gitlab CI?
Collection of Docker Stacks for usage on a multi-architecture Docker Swarm cluster (arm, amd64)
OpenShift template for GitLab Runner with Kubernetes executor
Docker files for Arch linux and development e. g. desktop apps, typescript, zehpir, ...
Docker image for building android apps on Gitlab CI
An easy way to setup gitlab and gitlab runners using Docker Compose
GitLab Runner (Docker image) for ARM devices, this is a mirror repository of
Gitlab Runner on Alpine Linux [Docker]
GitLab with Let's Encrypt Using Docker Compose
Ansible Role - GitLab Runner
Autoscaling EC2 GitLab Runners Spawned by Fargate
Run GitLab Runner jobs with macOS virtualization for Apple Silicon
Minimal docker image with kubectl and helm
Vagrantfile to build a fully functional macOS / Xcode GitLab runner
A jUnit parser that sends metrics and traces using OpenTelemetry
A customized Docker image for running scalable GitLab CI runners on Marathon
Terraform module to provision a self-hosted auto-scaling Gitlab runner on AWS spot or on-demand instances
Simple Kafka Container with embedded ZooKeeper
Automated deployment to AWS using Gitlab CI, Terraform, Packer and Ansible
A tool to deploy on demand Gitlab CI/CD runners using the custom executor.
GitLab fleeting plugin for OpenStack