There are 2 repositories under functions-python topic.
The function is a block of code defined with a name. We use functions whenever we need to perform the same task multiple times without writing the same code again. It can take arguments and returns the value.
Python Challenges with Solutions
License plate recognition with OpenCV and EasyOCR using Canny edges.
Experiments in agentic frameworks with python and pydantic
This repository is a great place for starting up with python programming. In this repository, you can contribute from a basic python program to an advance one. 👩💻
A quick review of python basics
Aprendo com facilidade a utilizar funções
| :: FOR RESUME EXAMPLES :: | Short ML and other .exe's made for quick model advantages.
Everything I learned on the roadmap
Python Modules
E easy way to plot time series datasets with a ready-to-use and full configurable matplotlib custom function.
Great to complete my third assignment-1 of Data Science Masters 2.0. I would like to thank PW Skills for giving this opportunity.
Great to complete my third assignment-2 of Data Science Masters 2.0. I would like to thank PW Skills for giving this opportunity.
Python Essential Assignments - Letsupgrade Python Essentials Course. Experimenting with various default functions of string,List and Dictionary in Python. Using Python Loops and conditional statements to print various programs. Dealing with opening,reading,writing a file in python. Also defining a function to provide a factorial of an integer given by user.
The code of the Python module stringf. Has functions on strings and English words
Practicing exercises on Python Programming Language
Day 6 of #100DaysOfCoding
python learning basic to advance concepts with notes
This repository contains daily coding challenges
A short ASCII game built using Python and OOP fundamentals and principles
Python Programming: Intermediate Concepts a course of study offered by Codio, an online learning initiative of Codio.
This repo describes the basics of bulding a chatbot that responds to customers inquiries. PS it doesnt have to apply to online stores only
I just completed a Python programming course where I learned the basics. I also got into using Python modules for extra functionality. By the end, I could write simple, practical programs. I used Python 3. This is the final project on Dates to pass the course.
what I've learned
Object Oriented Programming in python programming language for strongly grasp programming concepts in the machine learning, deep learning and artificial intelligence project. This course is available on the Udemy and Upwork.
Perfect Guess is a simple number guessing game built with Python. Players try to guess a randomly generated number between 1 and 100, receiving feedback on whether their guesses are too high or too low. The game continues until the correct number is guessed, with an option to play again. Enjoy testing your guessing skills!
Welcome to my Python Calculator! This is a basic Python project that performs arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. It allows users to perform continuous calculations with previous results or start new calculations from scratch. The project features a clean and interactive command-line interface.
Fundamental Python Concepts.
This repository contains my solutions to the tasks from the Programming Fundamentals with Python course at SoftUni (September 2022).
I have studied Python course and am currently honing my skills through the hands-on exercises provided by my institute. These tasks are helping me apply theoretical knowledge in practical scenarios, deepening my understanding of various aspects of Python programming, and web development.
A simple inventory management using Python dictionary data structure.
Here is an Basic Python Practice Repository containing solutions for Questions available on given link below