Ahmed Shafique's repositories
Flutter Firebase training for AIoT project FYP
Complete AI Engineering roadmap π¨βπ» including fronted and backend of the AI models, framework, deployment using Python. This roadmap is in the developed with experience of industry experts of Pakistan and International AI Engineers π. This roadmap also included AI Integration with diverse stack
AIMate π©βπ» is an advanced AI-powered personal assistant app designed to enhance productivity and improve daily life. It leverages state-of-the-art technologies such as Natural Language Processing (NLP) for voice commands, machine learning for predictive analytics and personalized recommendations, and computer vision for image and face recognition
An open autonomous driving platform
This repository contains code for CodySnippets - A platform for collection of code snippets for programmers
Complete codes of all Data Structures and algorithms subject, As a Udemy and SkillShare Instructor I developed this whole course and its starting from the classes and structures and ends on the binary trees and graphs in data structures and algorithms course
Machine Learning Course Complete Guide
I am providing all assignments that I covered in my Uni Machine Learning Course
Object Oriented Programming in python programming language for strongly grasp programming concepts in the machine learning, deep learning and artificial intelligence project. This course is available on the Udemy and Upwork.
Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
My clone repository