There are 3 repositories under fuck topic.
Ultra-fast MessagePack for NodeJS & Browsers |[Javascript/NodeJS]
A library to bring the joys of non-systemd users to systemd users
NAS 迅雷 Beta - OpenWrt 移植版(邀请码:网心超牛)-- ⚠ 慎用,这垃圾玩意必须充值 VIP 才能使用,他妈个逼的垃圾迅雷
Let's make package management great again
🤯 A brainf*ck-style programming language, but readable.
Duck Game mod
Slang a interpreted programming language designed in Go
A Crystal client for FOAAS - a modern, RESTful, scalable solution to the common problem of telling people to fuck off
Use {language_framework_language} to say fuck {country} on {platform}
🎉🔥FuckGitCode是Golang语言开源的企业级高可用DDoS开发基座/框架,前后端基于Vue3.0+TypeScript+vite3+golang的分离开发。支持网页设备管控,云下发攻击任务,免杀,混淆字节码,自动更新,一键卸载不留痕迹,可视化大屏等功能。GitCode 树脂 666~ 玩家最爱 GitCode GitHub 看你转载不转载这个仓库 转载 推荐仓库:
big data
A Python script to help fuck Elon Musk and his hole fucking Imperium with the truth! Its starts always with X ;)
So, this is basically a tic tac toe game with a lame bot. Enjoy!
What the??