There are 0 repository under exposure-notification topic.
SwissCovid is the official contact tracing app of Switzerland.
SwissCovid is the official contact tracing app of Switzerland.
Scan your current environment for devices running an app that make us of the ExposureNotification Service
Statistische Analyse und Visualisierung der täglichen Diagnoseschlüssel der deutschen COVID-19 Tracing-App (Corona-Warn-App).
This repository was created by the Colorado Digital Service to provide a general-purpose framework for consolidating analytics for the COVID Exposure Notifications system.
接触確認アプリ COCOA の非公式ドキュメント
A simple COVID-19 exposure notification detector for ESP32.
Open Source / i18n / iOS Android Cross Platform Contact Tracing App by exposure notification framework Xamarin App and Server Side Code
Apturi Covid Android lietotne
Open-source project to monitor and report hourly statistics about Spain’s “Radar COVID” Exposure Notification app.
OpenCovidTrace iOS App – Fully Private Open Source Contact Tracing
Expo module and test app for the Apple / Google Exposure Notification (fka Contact Tracing) APIs
Exposure Notifications framework instrumentation for Android
Sample iOS app for exploring the Google Apple Exposure Notification framework
OpenCovidTrace Android App – Fully Private Open Source Contact Tracing
Open source library for decoding ambient Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) advertising packet service data. We believe in an open Internet of Things.
This repository contains implementation to process private data shares collected according to the Exposure Notification Private Analytics protocol. It assumes private data shares uploaded as done in the Exposure Notification Express template app. These documents contain encrypted packets using the Prio protocol. The pipeline implementation converts them into the format that downstream Prio data processing servers expect.
Probe TemporaryExposureKeys and Files of Exposure Notifications System in Japan a.k.a. "COCOA".
access the covid-19 ios and android exposure notification api from react native
Covid-19: Anonymous Contact tracing and exposure notification App with privacy as No.1 priority for individuals, public health officials, and larger communities to flatten the curve of COVID-19 and reduce fear.
接触確認アプリ COCOA に関するIssues用レポジトリです
Count number of corona app beacons over the last 25 minutes. No data is stored or send, just counted and showed.
Preprint work on digital contact tracing.
OpenExposureTrace iOS App
OpenCovidTrace is a platform to unite popular protocols of automatic COVID-19 contact tracing
Swift, Interface Builder and CoreBluetooth
OpenExposureTrace Android App
This repository includes code samples and APIs released by Google/Apple in an effort to contact tracing/exposure notification to fight covid19 pandemic
Covid-19Radar/Covid19Radar からの1.1.2リリース時点でのForkです。元レポジトリへの反映は行いません。レビュー・実験その他に自由にご利用下さい。ここへはコミットしても大丈夫。
COVID Tracing Mobile app forked from the Canada COVID Alert app to interact with the APHL exposure server