There are 0 repository under eventdriven topic.
.Net Building Blocks
Exemplary real world application built with Vanilla JS Web Components in an Event Driven Architecture
A CQRS and Event Sourcing example repository 🤟
DFlow is a Domain-Driven Design platform that provides the infrastructure to organize business logic, design your domain model, deliver domain events and store in different formats.
This repository demonstrates a robust implementation of a Spring Boot application following Clean Architecture principles and CQRS pattern. It incorporates Event-Driven Architecture using Kafka for seamless asynchronous communication between microservices.
The most powerful Event-Driven Observer Pattern solution the Swift language has ever seen!
Sample project for Event Driven Architecture applied on bothFrontend and Backend. JEventbus and Eventbus.js are being used for this project.
Simple, Event-driven Automation in Python
Knative Demo
Event driven TodoMVC app with VanillaJS Web Components
This repository contains tools to enable interaction with the Solace PubSub+ Platform including an AsyncAPI Importer
A highly customizable and render-less lightweight library to manage Grid related actions.
ATM Kiosk System for a bank, Modern Bank. Developed in C#, Users are able to log in to their account and check their current balance. They can view and edit their personal details, view banking details, make changes, transfer money from one account to another and view transaction history.
Event driven microservices with spring boot, kafka, mongodb, redis
.NET Standard library for writing cleaner event testing code in C#
The purpose of this repository is to explain step by step how to build producer and consumer applications that interact using Confluent Kafka.
Example Knative PowerShell function for sending CloudEvents emits by the Kubernetes Api Server to a Slack webhook.
Allows to Virtualize/Mocking message for Kafka. Virtualization is a Service virtualization Product and is the simulation of the behavior of Open API that are unavailable or otherwise restricted during the preproduction stage of the software development lifecycle. Virtualization has RESTAPI and user-friendly interface (UI) to set up the test data for your specific type of Rest APIs. This UI would help Developer, Functional Tester or Automation Tester to set up the test data for their specific use cases and test scenarios
A repository showcasing event driven and event sourcing practices with EventStoreDB.
Assists in development of Event Sourcing and CQRS applications in .NET
axonframework 4.5.2 practise which implement complete saga 、multi-module、springcloud、mq、replay event listener
event store implementation using eventstore db for event sourcing
Distributed system based on micro-services using an event-driven architecture respecting the two patterns Event Sourcing and CQRS. This application allows you to manage violations concerning vehicles following speed violations detected by automatic radars.
[pre-release] wannabuythis is a wishlist management service powered by FastAPI and Nuxt3
StreamFlake: Real-Time CDC Pipeline with Kafka and Snowflake
C# code to take an animated gif and animate it on a windows form
This project provides a structured template for building Node.js applications. It is designed to help developers organize their project codebase effectively by following a modular architecture.
Event Driven Autoscaling + Keda + Azure Event Hubs + Confluent Kafka Library
Event Driven Autoscaling + Keda + Azure Event Hubs + Native Library
Example Knative PowerShell function for sending a custom CloudEvent to a Slack webhook.
Example Knative Python function for receiving a custom json event (payload) which will be transformed into a CloudEvent.
A simple Integration Event application with .NET Core, RabbitMQ and Rebus