There are 0 repository under eslint-typescript topic.
Eslint plugin that aims to reproduce strictNullCheck from tsconfig for easier migration
This plugin adds TypeScript support to `eslint-plugin-import`.
strict and modular eslint config library for most web frameworks
A sample project to show how to integrate TypeScript, Jest, Localstack, Serverless Framework, and CircleCI together
📜 ESLint shareable config used @okp4
It is an Eslint plugin to prevent the use of absolute paths.
Lint TypeScript with ESLint, format with Prettier. Type-safe. Zero-conflict.
Simple and sensible ESLint config.
Node + TypeScript + Prettier + VS Code template for use with
Base ESLint rules that work well for any Typescript projects
🔧 一个 TypeScript 的 ESLint 配置,使用 Prettier 格式化代码。Typescript prettier
🔧 一个 Vue3 的 ESLint 配置,使用 Prettier 格式化代码。
A eslint config preset
Front-end TypeScript starter with Vite and ESLint configuration.
URL-Shortener service is providing APIs to make url short by using Node.js with Typescript. It has two endpoints, /encode and /decode. We are using Node.js with Typescript to create APIs. To generate API routes we are using the express.js framework. For code validation, we are using eslint. To make a bug-free app, we should have unit, integration and end-to-end testing. For the test, we are using jest and supertest. To generate API docs and test APIs by manual we are using Swagger. To manage and store logs effectively we are using pino. For schema level validations we are using joi . To make the dev process easy we are using nodemon. To manage different environments we are using dotenv
ESLint configuration used by Leonardo Lissone.
Plain config without any non default rules but the one that works with typescript.
Projet Next.js avec Prima/postgresSql react.js et NextAuth
ESLint, Prettier and Typescript Config for React application
Strict ESLint shared configurations for typescript and react packages
A VueJS project template with out-of-the box configuration for TailwindCSS and ViteJS
Base for front-ends projects with webpack, react, typescript, prettier, eslint, jest, and so on
ESLint plugin to enforce naming conventions for TypeScript exports
Node.js TypeScript project template with ESLint and Prettier
CLI tool that sets up a TypeScript project with a minimal yet well-configured environment in a single command
🚀 Projeto Node com Express com TypeScript
TypeScript + Webpack + Karma + Coverage + ESLint project template
Base ESLint rules with support for linting Jest test files
starter template for react typescript
Example of using Nest.js, Objections.js and TypeGraphQL (Work in progress)
This is a template to for React TypeScript app with TDD principles with Jest and Cypress