There are 1 repository under english-vocabulary topic.
CONTEST 9 : 🎊 Vocab-a-thon'22 🌟 Your Passport to Word Wonderland!🌟
English Learning System I have developed in order to help others in expanding their Vocabulary. Very innovative way of learning
An app for learning English through custom topic conversations with AI. It adjusts to your English level and generates a score based on your performance.
A repository of knowledge par excellence, a veritable wrapper of all things related to grammar, vocabulary and the materials that I have meticulously produced during my time studying English.
learn english vocabulary with pictures
EN-VN Dictionary Android App
more! 1 Student's Book Vocabulary
This project is helps people (and me XDD) learning English vocabularies, following with forgetting curve. This project isn't finished yet.
English: Source code for the Vocabular program – a desktop application for practicing English-Slovak vocabulary. Slovensky: Zdrojové kódy programu Vocabular – desktopová aplikácia na precvičovanie anglicko-slovenských slovíčok.
English: Website for presenting and downloading the Vocabular application. Slovensky: Webstránka pre prezentáciu a stiahnutie aplikácie Vocabular.