There are 0 repository under emojify topic.
:trident:一个简洁漂亮的java blog :point_right:基于Spring /MVC+ Hibernate + MySQL + Bootstrap + freemarker. 实现 :rainbow:
Obfuscate your python script by converting it to emoji icons
:pencil2: git commit emoji guide Git提交注释使用表情指北
:octocat: A list of all supported github emojis updated weekly.
👉 A light-weight Emoji 📦 for Flutter and Dart-based applications with all up-to-date emojis 😄. Made from 💯% ☕ with ❤️!
An android project to convert short codes, emoticons, html entities, emoticons to emoji and vice-versa
Emojify is a customizable emoji trail javascript library that follows your mouse cursor, embedding playfulness and personality into any webpage.
Emojis for HexChat
Shorten your links with emoji 🥑 🦍 🍾 🏄 🎬 🤞 🥂 🎸
Emojification of Thai Text, Using Deep Learning (LSTM)
🍆🔥💯 There aren't enough emojis in your websites. This extension fixes that.
Several tools for changing a word into something.
Course 5 from
ZSH port of the emojify command! Emoji on the command line! :tada:
A tool to replace emoji slugs with actual emoji within text files. !!! Migrated to Codeberg !!!
Convert 🌍 Locale (languageCode, scriptCode and countryCode) to the corresponding 🏳️ Emoji Flag 🏴.
This package adds logos for various programming languages and tools to emojify.el
Convert an array of emojies to an IPv6 address and vice versa
Emojify😞 your😏👈 Discord📞🕹 messages📨📨 to🙅 annoy everyone👦 else🤔
Choose the Most Appropriate Emoji for a Text Using NLP Models
Web App to convert words in phrase to its relevant emojis while typing
using glove embedding for word representation and LSTM model for predicting the emojis
The official Browser extension for Emojify.
Implementation of some fun projects with LSTM (long short-term memory) architecture by PyTorch library
A Fun React-based web application that beautify your long boring texts
Emoji manager floating panel , based on user input