There are 0 repository under dynamic-routes topic.
An Accessible Starter Theme for Astro 5.0 including accessibility features such as landmarks, better focus-outline and skip-links navigation. Ships with Tailwind, Prettier and ESLint support.
Watson is the fastest, easiest way to build scalable RESTful web servers and services in C#.
[Deprecated] Super simple way to create dynamic routes with Next.js
An example implementation of dynamic routes with React Router
vue-cli3 动态路由, 复用路由, 自动注入路由, 增删路由, 实战多tab页
🔑 Vue.js scalable boilerplate with user authentication.
a small mapper for express routes
React application with React Router v4, async components etc
Ocelot.Provider.SqlServer enables dynamic route management by storing Ocelot routes in a SQL Server database, eliminating JSON files. Designed for ASP.NET, it fully supports .NET 6.0.
elegant powerful routing based on the simplicity of storing url as state
PIAIC Hackathon 2023 E-commarce project
Dynamic route structure with auto generated CRUD operations for each route in Express.js using Knex.js as the query builder. Any contribution is appreciated.
Dynamic Routes FastAPI Project Template
React router tutorial web application mocking CRUD operations using localStorage instead of an actual API.
This is a boilerplate project for building a Next.js application with TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, dynamic routes, and theme toggling (light/dark mode).
I built a website with node.js and express.js. The biggest new feature that I added is EJS, this this template language that allowed me to build enhanced HTML files and generate HTML content dynamically on the server. With EJS, I also managed to run JavaScript logic, like if statements to render different pieces of content based on different conditions and like loops to repeat content and output multiple items. Finally, with help of Express, I could easily serve static files by using the built-in static middleware method.
Create concerts and load artist profiles from Spotify
This project is based on the Countries API in frontendmentor website
My Note and code practice of Node.Js following course by Maximilian Schwarzmüller
Next.js Real Estate
A website showcasing weather details of a particular location.
Using the ORM SQLAlchemy, connect to a SQLite database to retrieve data, perform climate analysis and design a Flask API based on the queries developed within the analysis
Beautiful template using React + Typescript + Tailwind Css
App that displays users fetched from external API. Scroll down to reach the end of user list and use pagination for moving forward the pages and fetch new users.
This repository is dedicated to demonstrating dynamic routing with Express.js and EJS (Embedded JavaScript) templating. It provides a comprehensive guide on how to create dynamic, data-driven web applications using Express.js and EJS for rendering HTML templates.
A Dummy API testing for MovieDB using fs module