There are 1 repository under dt topic.
Presentation, pro tips, and tools for dashboarding like a boss:
This Python code utilizes the decision tree algorithm from the scikit-learn library to perform banknote authentication. The code aims to analyze the impact of different train-test split ratios and training set sizes on the accuracy and size of the learned decision tree.
The data2gRaph project is a web-based data visualization tool that can also be used off-line.
Client library in Swift for Disruptive Technologies' REST API
Workshop materials on flexdashboard with easy html widgets
[IN-DEVELOPMENT] You can use now but remember there is MTP bug.
DT Estimation en temps réel de la tendance-cycle : apport de l’utilisation des moyennes mobiles asymétriques
Example of interactively adding rows / deleting rows by selecting directly in a data.table (DT) in Shiny
Android Device Tree for Xiaomi Mi 9 SE
The package explores motorcycle crash data from 2012 through 2021 furnished via the Florida Highway Safety and Motor Vehicle Department through its open data portal.
A dashboard of retirement locations filtered by health, environment, housing affordability, and demographic criteria. Inter-county migration data are also included.
This is a project inject tweets into Mysql & extract tweets features
Apply Supervised Learning Algorithms using Python to predict breast cancer, diabetes, etc.. diseases.
El Proyecto tiene un funcionamiento similar al del conocido juego “Gran DT”, es una plataforma virtual en la que el usuario crea un equipo de fútbol ideal, utilizando jugadores físicos de torneos pertenecientes a pequeñas empresas que organizan ligas de fútbol no profesionales.
dashboard com informações sobre a covid-19 no Brasil
Utilites to serve htmlwidgets via plumber
Basic shinyapp displaying a graphical table. Proof of concept.
:round_pushpin::negative_squared_cross_mark: Test: {crosstalk} with {flexdashboard}, {leaflet} and {DT} in R using fake geolocated IP addresses