There are 20 repositories under django-react topic.
This is a non-opinionated Django 5 + React 18 boilerplate built with great development experience and easy deployment in mind.
Django React - Soft UI Dashboard (Free Product) | AppSeed
DevConnector is a Social Network For Developers. In this Project I have used Django and Django-Rest-Framework for Backend and React For Frontend.
Django React - Purity Dashboard (Open-Source) | AppSeed
Fake News Detector Web Application
A recipe sharing API built using Django rest framework.
Workout tracker built with Django & React
Boilerplate for Django (Django Rest Framework) React (with React-Bootstrap for styling) Web Application. It uses Docker, Docker-Compose, Nginx, and PostgreSQL
Simply enables VueJs, ReactJs, SCSS, LESS, Typescript etc on your Django project
Real Estate App using React as Frontend and Django as Backend by Rajan Gautam
Django React - Datta Able (Free Product) | AppSeed
A blogging web app's UI built with React Framework :electron:
Create todo app with Django and React.
Django & React - Open-Source Starter | AppSeed
Blog App made using Django and React
Version 1 of Habaneras de Lino is an online ecommerce. This repo contains the backed api of the website using Django and Django Rest Framework. In addition, it contains a custom admin panel (different from Django's) developed using bootstrap. Version 2 is available at
✨A collaborative music playing systems🎶 where multiple guests can join a room ➡🚪 and enjoy the song🎧 being played.
Учебное пособие по Django и React
Ecommerce Website in Django, Django Rest Framework, and React
Advance Blog Web App made The backend is completely build on Django using Django Rest Framework, while the frontend is completed using ReactJS.
Django-React-Typescript-Vite Starter Template
E-Library management app based-on Django Rest API, JS/React and much more!
Version 2 of Habaneras de Lino, which is an ecommerce for clothing. This repo contains the backed api of the website using Django and Django Rest Framework. In addition, it contains a custom admin panel (different from Django's) developed using bootstrap
Platform for developers to share their code online like pastebin. So that people can see and suggest edits to help finding bugs. Used React.js for front end and Python Django for Backend. Deployed on Heroku with PostgreSQL database.
11/09/2020 - Complete directory for Pundits Review web application.
Django & React - Extended User & Roles (free) | AppSeed
IFTA Filling! is a management solution for trucking companies to keep track of their fleet, trucks, drivers, and tax reports. This repo contains the Django backend API developed using Django-Rest-Framework
This is a management solution for trucking companies to keep track of their fleet, trucks, drivers, and tax reports. This repo contains the Django backend API developed using Django-Rest-Framework
Simple application TodoList django with ReactJS
A social sharing web app
A medication management system that utilizes Django framework and ReactJS to build the backend and frontend components of the web application
Django React - Soft UI Dashboard (Free Product) | AppSeed
Set of tools that gives you easy start with ReactJS integration