There are 5 repositories under discord-ticket-bot topic.
The most popular open-source and self-hosted ticket management bot for Discord - a free alternative to the premium and white-label plans of other popular ticketing bots.
Discord ticket bot with buttons, slash commands, select menus, modals, and transcripts system made with Discord.js v14
The most advanced open-source discord ticket bot with HTML transcripts, plugins, questions, claiming, pinning & more! Using discord.js v14 & JSON database!
Ticket system bot🎫 worked with /commands and text commands, had perfect dashboard and website for easy setup on guild.
A Discord Ticket Bot with Select Menu using Pycord
🤖 A discord Ticket Bot, using Discord Components Library.
Sentinel Tickets is a free and configurable open source discord ticket bot without watermarks or bloat.
Discord Ticket Support Bot
The only bot for Discord youll ever need.A Discord music bot thats easy to set up and run yourself! Discord Moderation Bot Multipurpose discord bot built using discord.js v14 with moderation, music, ticketing, translation, and much more
The official list of plugins for Open Ticket & Open Discord related projects!
Multipusrpose Discord Bot in node.js with leveling, music system (with search feature and buttons), ticket system, moderation system (with auto moderation), vote/poll system, logging system, google sheets integration and much more
ticket bot made with đź’–
DJS Ticket System with transcript, ticket count, and a lot more! Made with love by Ducko#7068
A simple ticket bot for your Discord server's needs.
Discord ticket bot with buttons, slash commands, staff menu and transcripts system. Developed in Python using
An easy-to-use npm package that allows you to add ticket system to your discord bot
Advanced ticket bot for EliteX RP | @Discordjs-v13 | Slash Commands | Database Support | Logging
A discord ticket bot for roleplay servers.
Ahla Discord Bot
Discord Ticket Bot is a simple and efficient tool for managing support tickets in your Discord server. Users can create tickets with a reason, while admins can review, accept, and generate transcripts for record-keeping. Easy setup with Node.js and PM2 for scalability and smooth server management.
A comprehensive Discord bot for server management and user engagement. Features include leveling, profile management, event handling, auctions, perks, blacklist, and moderation.
Discord bot for simplified ticket management using private threads within a single channel instead of multiple private channels
Discord V13 Basic Ticket Bot Source Code
SimpleTickets Discord Bot created by Foaf#0001
Effortlessly manage tickets
D-Ticket is a discord bot for ticket system
A simple ticket bot made using Colossus and JDA
The only bot for Discord youll ever need.A Discord music bot thats easy to set up and run yourself! Discord Moderation Bot Multipurpose discord bot built using discord.js v14 with moderation, music, ticketing, translation, and much more
This is a project for Ticket System in discord
Full Moderation, Social notification, Games & Ticket bot in python
A simple Discordbot to handle the tickets in your server! Written in python.