There are 0 repository under debug-tool topic.
iOS端将输出日志log悬浮显示在屏幕上,可以生成日志文件分享,便于在真机没有连接xcode的情况下调试信息。 The iOS side displays the output log log on the screen, and can generate log file sharing, which is convenient for debugging information when the real machine is not connected to xcode.
The iOS side displays the output log log on the screen, and can generate log file sharing, which is convenient for debugging information when the real machine is not connected to xcode. iOS端将输出日志log悬浮显示在屏幕上,可以生成日志文件分享,便于在真机没有连接xcode的情况下调试信息
🔍 Snitch is a handy library to access useful information about your application from the Home Screen.
基于C#设计了一款上位机软件(windows)。该上位机软件使用 自制协议,实现与下位机的多功能交互。软件支持串口、TCP、UDP 通信,能够实现毫 秒级的精准定时发送,支持 ASCII 字符、HEX 格式的文本显示;支持自制协议数据格 式的波形动态显示、存储且不限制缓存上限,显示波形能够自由缩放、移动以及数据标 签提示;支持对下位机的参数进行调试同时可以从下位机导入调试参数列表,且能够在 调试的过程中接收下位机反馈数据并显示数据波形;支持自制协议图片格式的图片接收 和图片文件夹导入、存储,能够缓存所有图片并随时访问,集成一定图像处理算法并能 够同时显示处理前、后的图片,支持编译外部算法并能在软件中查看编译、调试信息。
A collection of ZXKit debugging tools, used for iOS platform development and bug debugging. ZXKit的调试工具集合,用于iOS平台的开发和bug调试
Magento 2 Debug Helper Module for easy debugging with Xdebug and PHPStorm or any other IDE
Enable users of your application to debug and test it
Tool for fast navigation to ViewHolder's source code and visual debugging of complex RecyclerViews.
A debug tool for GameMaker Studio 2.3
Turn a Nextion/TJC HMI display into a Serial Debug Monitor
🛠Configs, a quick, simple and stylish solution for your remote and dev configurations.
Debugging output for Raspberry PICO using OLED display (SSD1306)
Orphaned memory buffer detector
A tool to read a memory mapped file
WordPress Debugger is a straightforward tool designed to assist you in identifying and resolving errors on your WordPress website.
VS Code extension to help insert and remove console.* statements
Kluzo PHP Debug Tool is the PHP debugging tool that is always helping you prevent making stupid mistakes and causing accidents
A windows process manager utility.
A lightweight iOS library to help you debug your Realm database. Automatically or manually present a view controller to browse and inspect Realm tables and records directly from your app.
Arduino ESP8266 library - Intercept some crash events that result in Hardware or Software WDT Resets. Cache the results across reboot.
Arduino ESP8266 library - Store a backtrace of a crash to (no init) IRAM or DRAM log buffer with an optional backup to RTC memory.
Stream WiFi packets encapsulated with PCAP to Wireshark.
Network test/debug tool. StkFw
Drivers for debugging jdbc applications.
Sven Co-op scripts for various debug information