There are 0 repository under datamaps topic. is a free and simple platform for creating visualizations with data maps.
Have fun tracking your project's stargazers
It is a Vue port of the javascript-based DataMaps
React Datamaps for India Region
Shivam Mathur's Codementor Mentees
:world_map: Interactive Live World News Heat Map with Natural Language Processing, Summaries, and Reddit Discussions :newspaper:
Data discovery mappings for Russian open government datav / Карты обнаружения и поиска данных для российских наборов данных
Minecraft Data Analysis through interactive visualizations.
Android wrapper for DataMaps JavaScript library - Customizable map visualizations
A visualization of the worldwide arms trade using SIPRI's Arms Transfer Database
We are trying to build a data ecosystem of a college in Bhutan called Royal Thimphu College
Interactive web-based visualisation of Global Data using Chart.js. Created as part of my Final Year Project.
Movie Dashboard created in pure Javascript and d3 libraries.
CSS | D3.js | DataMaps | HTML | JavaScript
CSS | D3.js | DataMaps | HTML | jQuery | Netlify