There are 0 repository under dark-light-mode topic.
A plugin that make tmux's theme follow macOS dark/light mode.
This is a clone of Happilo, a popular e-commerce platform. The project is built using the MERN stack (React, and Node.js and Material UI) along with Redux Toolkit, PostgreSQL, and Git for version control. The project allows users to browse and view the designing and workflow of the Happilo clone
Toggle between Dark and Light modes with localStorage integration.
Real State Website
Catppuccin theme for your Heimdall dashboard with dark- and lightmode
đź‘‹ Portfolio website made in TypeScript with Nuxt and Vue using Composition API
Simple Landing page made by React , has some features Like Smooth scrolling , Animation, Dark/Light Mode and much more.
Portfolio Website
A react-fitness-app with rapid api! 🏋️🔥💪🏼🎧
Light and Dark Theme Toggle Using JavaScript
Projeto de clonagem da landing page do Messenger Desktop. Desenvolvido com HTML, CSS e Javascript puro. Com o objetivo de praticar media queries, aplicação de diferentes temas, e design responsivo.
WeConnect is an real time chat application with individual / group chat options and various other features like notifications/auth etc.
Lamp Website
Personal Portfolio
My Personal portfolio website. Click link below to see the live portfolio website⬇
Analog clock with Dark and Light Mode...Here is the live site link given below..Check it out.. :-)
Learning NextJs 13.4 (SSR, ISR, SSG, CSR etc), with new app directory, api routes and other brand new features.
A simple calculator app built using Flutter that supports both dark and light themes.
A simple page using Dark mode using HTML, CSS and JS
Clothing Landing Page
Task List Kanban by ReactJS
A full stack travel and tourism management website. Add spot, All spot, manage spot, spot list, update delete spot.
It's a simple project using Javascript! I have made this project. The project name is 'JavaScript Toggle Dark Mode'.
used techs React & Context API
An elegant virtual keyboard web app with typing animation and keypress sound effect.
Trigger a function at sunset/sunrise (e.g. for auto theme change)
Material UI dark / light theme with Nextjs
Expense Management System
a mobile-first progressive web application for a hypothetical company.
"Popcornphoria is a CRUD movie trailer and details app featuring Firebase integration for authentication and watchlist storage. It provides users with in-depth movie and TV show details, trailers, and recommendations, along with genre filtering and search functionality. Built with React, Redux Toolkit, and RTK Query.