maciekiwaniuk / portfolio

πŸ‘‹ Portfolio website made in TypeScript with Nuxt and Vue using Composition API

Home Page:

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Project of the portfolio website

  • Application is made in TypeScript with Vue 3 using Composition API.
  • Global state management is organised by pinia library.
  • Multilingualism of app is managed by i18n plugin. Content of app is available in two languages - English and Polish.
  • Website is responsive, made with less.
  • Dark mode has been implemented for the sake of users' eyes.
  • Animations on scroll are handled by AOS library.
  • To show beatiful icons is used iconify library.
  • App got 100 score for accessibility in Google Chrome Lighthouse.
  • In application is used cli-plugin-pwa.


To successfully install application you need to have installed npm.

Open folder where you want to have project files, open console and then clone the repository

git clone

Change folder in console to created folder with project files

cd portfolio

Run npm install command

npm install

Start the local development server

npm run serve

You can now access the server at http://localhost:8080

Application appearance

Google Lighthouse


πŸ‘‹ Portfolio website made in TypeScript with Nuxt and Vue using Composition API


Language:Vue 74.7%Language:TypeScript 21.4%Language:Less 2.3%Language:JavaScript 0.7%Language:Dockerfile 0.4%Language:Makefile 0.4%