There are 1 repository under config-parser topic.
🎬🛠️ Helper for parsing inputs in a GitHub Action
Easy configuration files for Go.
Yet Another Config Parser. Convert YAML, JSON, and CUSTOM files to python objects and back.
Nokia SROS, Cisco IOS style (parent/child with space indent) config edit (add/delete/replace) with regex
Simple CLI tool parsing text files with TextFSM and export to SQLite and Excel with own configuration file, also within configuration file custom SQLite commands can be executed to create custom tables.
Config is a very minimalistic config class, which allows to parse simple Key-Value pairs from a text file.
Config parsing on steroids.
Simple INI is a Go library for parsing INI files using reflection.
Windows service to collect print events and save them to MSSQL DB
LibCfg++ is a convenient C++ library for working with configuration files.
With this Python module, you can load a separate file with .ini extension.
:pencil2: Easily define and populate your configs from any kind of source using lookup function!
load_xl is a versatile Python library for parsing various configuration file formats, including .env, .ini, .yaml, .json, .toml, and .xml.
A python CLI framework base on argparse, supporting: config system, command-completion, rich-text log, friendly help message prompt and so on.
Codigo python de coleta de OS's em API. As Os's coletadas em JSON/DICIONARIO , são tratadas e transformadas em DF, é feito também tratamento do DF que posteriormente será feita persistensia no banco de dados SQL Server.
A i3blocks configuration parser.
(Em andamento) CRUD feito em Python com conexão à base de dados MongoDB.
Demonstrações de Integrações e Visualizações Python realizadas utilizando os serviços de SQS (Filas) e S3 (Armazenamento) da Amazon.
Config loading with zero fluff. Because ain't nobody got time for overcomplicated crap. Unleash the gonfiguration beast!