sc4rfurry / load_xl

load_xl is a versatile Python library for parsing various configuration file formats, including .env, .ini, .yaml, .json, .toml, and .xml.

Home Page:

Repository from Github https://github.comsc4rfurry/load_xlRepository from Github https://github.comsc4rfurry/load_xl

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   Configuration Parser Extraordinaire


PyPI version License: MIT Python Versions

load_xl is a versatile Python library for parsing various configuration file formats, including .env, .ini, .yaml, .json, .toml, and .xml. It provides a unified interface for loading and validating configuration data, making it easy to work with different file formats in your projects.

✨ Features

│ ⚙️  Multiple configuration file formats      │
│ 🔄 Automatic environment variable substition │
│ 🛡️  JSON Schema validation                   │
│ 🔍 File watching for auto config reloading   │
│ 🖥️  Command-line interface (CLI)             │
│ 🐍 Compatible with Python 3.6+               │

🚀 Installation

Install load_xl using pip:

pip install load-xl

💻 Usage

As a Library

from load_xl import load_config

# Load a configuration file
config = load_config('path/to/your/config.yaml')

# Load with schema validation
schema = {...}  # Your JSON schema
config = load_config('path/to/your/config.json', schema=schema)

# Access configuration data

Command-line Interface

load_xl path/to/your/config.yaml --output
load_xl path/to/your/config.json --validate --schema path/to/schema.json

📁 Supported File Formats

│.env │ Environment variables         │
│.ini │ INI configuration files       │
│.yaml│ YAML configuration files      │
│.json│ JSON configuration files      │
│.toml│ TOML configuration files      │
│.xml │ XML configuration files       │

🔬 Testing

The load_xl library includes a comprehensive test suite. You can find the test script in the test directory. Here's a snippet of the file:

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from load_xl import load_config, FileParsingError

# Test .env file parsing and loading
    print("\n[+] Loading .env file...")
    env_config = load_config(".env")
except FileParsingError as e:
    print(f"Error in parsing .env file: {e}")

# ... (tests for other file formats)

# Test .xml file parsing and returning as dict
    print("\n[+] Loading .xml file...")
    xml_config = load_config("test.xml")
except FileParsingError as e:
    print(f"Error in parsing .xml file: {e}")

To run the tests, navigate to the test directory and execute:


🔧 Advanced Features

Environment Variable Substitution

load_xl automatically replaces ${VAR} patterns in your configuration files with the corresponding environment variable values.

File Watching

from load_xl import ConfigFileWatcher, YamlFileParser

watcher = ConfigFileWatcher('config.yaml', YamlFileParser)

# Your application logic here


Note: There are example schema files provided in schemas folder.

🤝 Contributing

Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.

📜 License

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

👨‍💻 Author

🙏 Acknowledgments

  • Thanks to all contributors and users of load_xl
  • Inspired by the need for a unified configuration parsing solution
  • This project was developed with some assistance from ChatGPT 4.0 , showcasing the potential of AI-assisted coding and for my peronal experience too

For more information and updates, please visit the GitHub repository.

< Thank you for using load_xl! >
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load_xl is a versatile Python library for parsing various configuration file formats, including .env, .ini, .yaml, .json, .toml, and .xml.

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%