There are 0 repository under codsoftinternship topic.
This was a simple virtual internship where i mainly created machine learning models to perform tasks like Classification & Prediction
CodSoft Internship Projects containing, SMS Spam prediction Model, Customer Churn Prediction and Movie Classification System Based On the Movie's Summary
CodSoft Internship
Successful work completed as Intern at CodSoft in September 2023
Number Guessing Game in Java
Student Grade Calculator in Java
ATM Interface in Java
A password generator is a useful tool that generates strong and random passwords for users. This project aims to create a password generator application using Python, allowing users to specify the length and complexity of the password
A To-Do List application is a useful project that helps users manage and organize their tasks efficiently. This project aims to create a command-line or GUI-based application using Python, allowing users to create, update, and track their to-do lists
Codsoft - Internship tasks ( Portfolio )
This repository contains my solutions for CODSOFT virtual python internship. (MAY BATCH A52)
This code snippet performs fraud detection using machine learning models such as RandomForestClassifier and DecisionTreeClassifier.
In the spam email dataset, this Python code snippet is performing text classification using support VectorSVM.
This project is task of my internship.
This project is task of my internship.
Machine Learning Projects - CODSOFT Internship: This repository showcases my machine learning projects completed during my internship at Codsoft. It demonstrates my skills in developing innovative solutions using various ML techniques and tools.
Explore my modern, responsive portfolio showcasing projects, skills, and contact information. Built with HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap, this site features interactive elements and smooth animations for enhanced user experience. It's a comprehensive display of my web development skills and professional journey.
task1: Movie genre classification using algos , task2: bankchunker soln , task3: spam sms filter
TASK 1:- A To-Do List application is a useful project that helps users manage and organize their tasks efficiently. This project aims to create a command-line or GUI-based application using Python, allowing users to create, update, and track their to-do lists.
CODSOFT internship tasks
This repository contains the tasks for data science internship at codsoft
I have completed tasks given for my internship as a Web Developer in CodSoft. I hope it will be helpfull for you.
1. **User Input Handling**: The function efficiently handles user input for arithmetic operations and numbers, ensuring a smooth interaction experience. 2. **Error Management**: It effectively manages errors such as division by zero and invalid operations, enhancing the reliability and robustness of the calculator. @codsoft
**Contact Book Management**: This script offers a comprehensive Contact Book management system, allowing users to add, view, search, update, and delete contacts effortlessly, providing a seamless experience in organizing contact information.
1. **Strong Password Generation**: The function generates a strong password of the specified length, incorporating a mix of lowercase letters, uppercase letters, numbers, and special characters, enhancing security. 2. **Randomness**: Utilizing the `random` module.
**Interactive Gameplay**: The game offers an interactive experience by prompting the user to input their choice and then simulating the computer's choice, fostering engagement and participation throughout the gameplay session.
1.First Task This Python script utilizes Tkinter to create a user-friendly To-Do List application. It allows users to add, view, search, update, and delete tasks seamlessly within a visually appealing GUI layout. The use of PrettyTable enhances task representation, while messagebox ensures informative user feedback throughout the interaction.
This repository consists of my "CodSoft Java Internship" tasks. A series of Java projects, including a Number Game, Student Grade Calculator, ATM Interface, Quiz Application with Timer, and Student Course Registration System.
Completed three tasks from CodSoft on JAVA-DEVELOPMENT