Aakash Thakur 's repositories
TASK 2:- Design a simple calculator with basic arithmetic operations. Prompt the user to input two numbers and an operation choice. Perform the calculation and display the result.
A password generator is a useful tool that generates strong and random passwords for users. This project aims to create a password generator application using Python, allowing users to specify the length and complexity of the password.
TASK 1:- A To-Do List application is a useful project that helps users manage and organize their tasks efficiently. This project aims to create a command-line or GUI-based application using Python, allowing users to create, update, and track their to-do lists.
Create a rock, paper or scissor game. Prompt the user to choose rock, paper, or scissors. Generate a random choice (rock, paper, or scissors) for the computer. Display the result, whether the user wins, loses, or it's a tie. Lastly, ask the user if they want to play another match.
Contact Information System This Python program is a basic Contact Information System that allows users to manage their contacts. Users can add, view, search, update, and delete contacts with details including name, phone number, email, and address. The program is structured around two main classes - Contact and Contact Book.
Config files for my GitHub profile.