There are 0 repository under chicago-crime topic.
Exploring public Chicago crimes data set in Python
Using Apache Spark SQL, Spark ML, Pandas to analyse and predict using the Chicago crime dataset
The objective of this project is to analyze the socio-economic in Chicago.
Analysis of Chicago Crime Data, looking for patterns such as change of crime over time, dangerous areas, and future crime predictions.
Yildiz Technical University Computer Engineering BLM4120 Course Term Project
My portfolio site/developer blog written in full-stack Rust.
Regression and Statistical analysis of crimes in Chicago from 2015 until 2020.
This repository represents several projects completed in IE HST's MS in Business Analytics and Big Data program Spark course using PySpark.
Investigation of the evolutionary change in crimes in Chicago, IL.
This is a project investigate the seasonal pattern of crimes in NYC and Chicago
These are real and live Machine learning and statistical models built in R language and python by kamil-Bello Furqan
Socioeconomic data analysis on Chicago community areas between 2015-2023
In partnership with Chicago-land crime prevention organization ran comparative analysis between Chicago Police Department data and crowdsourced Citizen App
Analyzing crime in Chicago using large scale computing methods
This project is based on the Chicago City Crime dataset available on Kaggle. It is implemented using MongoDB, Flask API and HTML.
Peer-review assignment for Chicago Police Resource project
Data Story about the Kaggle Chicago Crime dataset (See ADA_Project for python code).
I have prepared a Dash Board using Tableau software to analyze and visualize Chicago City Crime Dataset.
The aim this work is to find the relation of Chicago Crimes and some econocensus factors as well as some weather factors.
Contains Chicago Census Data, Chicago Public Schools, and Chicago Crime Data between the years 2008 - 2012. I used those 3 csv files to create dataframes, and connected them to "%sql" (Magic SQL) titled "FinalDB.db," and was able to use SQL commands to answer the questions and more.
This is a python dictionary which maps the Community Area code with the district names of Chicago
This is my coursera Project completed when trying to learn about the use of SQL in Data Science.