CUBigDataClass / FordsOfBellman-ChicagoCrimeExploration

Repository from Github https://github.comCUBigDataClass/FordsOfBellman-ChicagoCrimeExplorationRepository from Github https://github.comCUBigDataClass/FordsOfBellman-ChicagoCrimeExploration

ATLS 5214-001
Big Data Architecture - Fords of Bellman - Chicago Crime Exploration

Team Members:

Priyanka Umesh Pandit Tailapur
Jayadharshini Jaiganesh
Shemal Lalaji

Fords Of Bellman-Chicago Crime Exploration

This repository contains the codes that we wrote during the course of this semester for our project.

Video Link - UI Demo

Production Link of the project

Frontend Contributions

Priyanka Umesh Pandit Tailapur
Jayadharshini Jaiganesh
Shemal Lalaji

Backend Contributions

Priyanka Umesh Pandit Tailapur
Jayadharshini Jaiganesh
Shemal Lalaji

Integration Contributions

Priyanka Umesh Pandit Tailapur
Jayadharshini Jaiganesh



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