There are 0 repository under chartkick topic.
Sample Admin Template based on Vuejs & Vuetify.
Create beautiful Javascript charts with minimal code
A rubyOnRails based web application with a small concept behind healthcare
Minimalistic wrapper around chartkick for using it within iruby
This is a social-media where the user can share the species sightings with other users, follow other users, and track his activity daily and weekly.
Social media website. The app authenticates users, authorizes access, and provides access to data using API. Build with Ruby on Rails and PostgreSQL.
Guia de investigadores: Datatable and barchart that shows research publications querying SIGEVA database.
This is a completed project for kids clinics, the main purpose is to get statistics of visits and kids
Create beautiful JavaScript charts with one line of PHP
Graphs of cardano-wallet benchmarks from nightly builds.
Rails Process Memory Tracker
Check solar panel power generation by hour, week and month.
Welcome to the HospitalManagementSystem(HMS), a simple Rails application that provides receptionists and doctors with the ability to manage patient records and view patient registration trends.
Rails app using chartkick to provide customer satisfaction surveys
Resource Utilisation (CPU, Network, Disk) visualisation using chartkick
This repository contains the backend for the search trend analytics app
Doctor's clinic is an app designed to keep track of patients and doctor appoinments with patients. This web-app have same login page for both doctor and receptionist .Receptionists can register a new patient & perform CRUD operations. Doctors can view registered patients & view the graph that represents the number of patients registered vs days.
A place for people to crowdsource their questions in a fun and novel way.
Generates content from just an image
How to present numerical data, stats or analytics using various graphs in rails.
Survey website built with only the Rack gem, no frameworks.
This Fitness tracker has been realized as part of the Full-Stack developer path proposed by OpenClassrooms. It enables users sign-up and log-in, profile management and fitness habits tracking.
sitio desarrollado en vue que trae el valor de las criptomonedas consumiendo la API de
A rails web application visualizing the value of three currencies: BitCoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH) and Nasdaq.