There are 5 repositories under alfred3 topic.
Full-featured library for writing Alfred 3 & 4 workflows
Convert between different units in Alfred
Streamlined note searching and creation for Bear using Alfred
Quickly open recent documents and apps / 快捷打开最近访问的文档或应用
Browse, search and open Git repositories in Alfred
View Google Calendar events in Alfred
Alfred 3+ workflow to search and use Safari bookmarks, history, reading list and tabs.
Alfred workflow to quick link figma projects and files
Fuzzy search helper for Alfred 3+ workflows
Perform string operations to clipboard content
扇贝词典 alfred2/3/4 workflow, 支持查询和添加单词到自己词库。update:由于扇贝关闭开放 API,本项目已经不可正常工作。
adb alfred - all in one
Send emails to recipients and groups from Alfred
Alfred Git Commit Message Example
Updated version of the emoji pack. Maintained and up-to-date!
Alfred plugin that allowed to connect/disconnect to paired bluetooth device
Filter ForkLift favourites in Alfred
Alfred Workflow for
Alfred workflow for Docker Hub.
Maven 中央仓库搜索的 Alfred Workflow 插件
:arrow_down: Ищите и качайте приложения и игры для MacOS :apple:
Alfred 3 workflow for tagging files with Alfred
饭团日语词典 是 Alfred 3 的一个 Workflow,用于快速查询日语单词( 日 -> 中 ),查询结果除基本信息外,还包含读音与例句等。
Alfred workflow for NATO phonetic alphabet
Control mpd music player from Alfred 3
Alfred workflow to search your Github repos
Alfred Workflow to query Siri by keyword or as a fallback
Convert Typinator sets exported as plain text files to Alfred’s snippet collections
stateless password generate,通过输入内容 获取唯一密码(不存储在任何地方)