There are 0 repository under big5 topic.
Website for taking personality tests
Website for taking personality tests
TwitPersonality: Computing Personality Traits from Tweets using Word Embeddings and Supervised Learning
Recognition of Persomnality Types from Facebook status using Machine Learning
🗿 Predict personalities using machine learning and Big 5 model.
Convert Unicode characters to HKSCS-2016
Big five personality traits calculator build with Vue and using pre-rendering for better SEO
Learning Personality is a bachelor internship project that use neural networks to extract, from natural language (in particular reviews), personality traits, through automatic approaches. @unimib17/18.
Code for reproducing results in the paper "Personality traits classification from EEG signals using EEGNet". Big Five personality classification from EEG signals (AMIGOS dataset), using the CNN model EEGNet.
Source code for the project of my Master Thesis
A big5 personality traits prediction application that processes tweets, generates tweets lexicon, find best fitted model on each personality traits, and calculates the personality traits score of the tweets using the best fitted model.
[CJK] 中文编码 (Chinese character encoding)
Some character encoding utils.
Tableau provide wide range of Data visualization techniques in various aspect. Effect of Covid19 can be seen in stock price ups-down of big5. Data consist last 18 months daily stock.
ML clustering techniques for grouping users according to their personality