There are 1 repository under andoid-app topic.
Developed and trained Gated-CNN models to detect types of stutter in speech and SVM classifier to suggest new therapies to the user according to his stutter type and severity
[REDIRECT!] Update URL to ! Hide app from Recent task list
Yamnet model using tflite_model_maker with esc-50 dataset
🦀 This is a fully-featured Tauri project template using Solid-JS 🦀
Quotes App is Shayri app create using Java. In this we using Recycle view for display data.
RServer Magisk module for Android OS
💜 🐒 Explore and Mint NFTs
A Smart Attendance app for Gail Private Limited.
BRN Info_Dev Loja Virtual Android, IOS, WEB Este projeto é um ponto de partida para um aplicativo Flutter de uma loja virtual completa, com funcionalidades de compra, integração com o Firebase como backend e várias outras características avançadas.
This project contains the source code for a college management app developed using Android Studio with Firebase as the backend. The app is designed to streamline various aspects of college management, providing both administrators and students with convenient tools for academic and administrative tasks.
The Android Dialer App is a Java-based mobile application designed to replicate the familiar phone dialer interface on Android devices. As an open-source project, it enables users to make phone calls and conveniently save contacts directly from the app.
This Android Game will demonstrate how to match two similar photos.
A pizza ordering system made using Java and SQLite in android studio (native)
⚠Due to the expired Real Time Database, the program is problematical!!! The repository includes 3 demos created within one week, with an Android game hub and 2 games: a wordle-like game (Word Master) and a cognitive game (Pattern Capture). Firebase is used for managing user and game data. A plugin NetSpell is used for word validation of wordle-lik
A walkie-talkie Flutter project for learning purpose
APS, 2021 2. UNIP
A food ordering android application is developed for the user and admin panel.
Welcome to "Stop Watch" repo. It contains a Stop Watch Android application with ultimate User Intrerface.
Código-fonte original do projeto pertence à EBAC:
Đồ án giữa kỳ cho môn phát triển ứng dụng di động do thầy Trương Bá Thái giảng dạy
A GitHub profile viewer app made with android and GitHub GraphQL api
This project is a comprehensive healthcare Android application developed using Java and SQLiteDB.
MovieMate: A dynamic movie recommendation app created with Android Studio and Python. It utilizes web scraping, pretrained models, and a Flask server for personalized recommendations and Langchain for insightful insights.
This is a basic calculator application built using React Native with the Expo framework.
gold and silver live price tracking app named Legacy.
Just one Swiping Up action to open a phone number dialing page to call it.
VirusCheck allows user to scan potential threat of File and Url
Android studio Puzzle game
Atividade proposta pela ETEC de Embu, como primeiro projeto utilizando Java no Android Studio.