tommythorn / anti80

Anti80 is design exercise in a more compiler friendly architecture in roughly the same implementation budget as the Z80

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The Anti80, the Anti-Z80

Anti80 is a 16-bit ISA that should be entirely possible to realize using the same technology, area, and number of transistors as the Zilog Z80, but dramatically easier to use and expecially easier for a compiler to target.

Design Goals

  1. Must fit within the constaints of the Z80 implementation (number of transistors, silicon area, pins etc)

  2. Very regular ISA, as few as possible special cases, especially no register constraints.

  3. Make the encoding dense as possible (good use of instruction bits is critical when every instruction is read from memory)

  4. Make the ISA cover as many frequently used instructions as possible

  5. (Inspired by RISC-V) Make the encoding as cheap as possible, in particular, fields should not move around, especially critical path fields like register names or high-fanout immediate sign. The current encoding gives access to register source field in the first-read byte.


  • The Z80 has 16 8-bit registers. Using the same bits and datapath, Anti80 offer 8 16-bit registers.

  • All instructions are exactly 16-bit and must be 16-bit aligned. It's not possible to target an unaligned instruction.

  • All instructions have optional immediate fields that can be expanded to full 16-bit with an immediately preceeding prefix instructions.

  • There are no condition flags.

  • There are only two control flow instructions, a conditional skip-next (skipc) and a jump-and-link (jal) instruction (like most instruction, it can also use a register).

  • The jal jumps to the address in the register given by rs2 iff insn[15,4,3] are all set. Otherwise it forms the 11-bit signed immediate to be the relative instruction from the following instruction (that, is it's multiplied by 2 and added to pc + 2). Before transfering control, pc + 2 is written to r7.

    This means by itself, jal can reach instructions in a [-512, 2046] byte window (and everything if prefixed).

    Since jal is also used to return that means that the return address will be clobbered.

  • As subtraction with an immediate can already be done by an add, Anti80 uses (inspired by PowerPC/POWER) a reverse ordered subtraction (arg2 - arg1).

  • The Z80 alu is 4-bit wide and Anti80 is fundamentally 16-bit, thus expect 4 cycles through the ALU for (almost) all instructions.

  • Whether unaligned loads/stores work or trap is still TBD (learning towards trap)

  • Interrupt support is still TBD. One option:

    Have a single interrupt enable bit (IE). Upon a taken interrupt, we clear IE, write the registers r6 and r7 to a defined memory location, and execute a jal to transfer to the interrupt service routine. To return, a modification of jal is used that loads r7 from the special memory location rather than setting it to the previous PC. (Other alternatives: spend more register state or simply reserve a register for interrupts.)

The 15-instruction ISA

15:12 opcode 11 sign 10:8 dest 7:5 src1 4:0 src2 Comments
prefix nzresv nzresv,imm14:13 imm12:10 imm9:5 Extends the following instruction
sw imm2:0 rs1 imm4:3,rs2 simm6 in -32..31
sb imm2:0 rs1 imm4:3,rs2 simm6 in -32..31
jal imm2:0 imm5:3 imm10:6/rs2 NB: insn[15,4:3] == 4 ? rs2 : next_pc + simm11 * 2
li rd imm7:5 imm4:0 simm8 = -256..255
lw rd rs1 imm4:0
lb rd rs1 imm4:0
lbu rd rs1 imm4:0
skipc cond rs1 imm4:0/rs2 simm6 in -24..31
add rd rs1 imm4:0/rs2
subr rd rs1 imm4:0/rs2
and rd rs1 imm4:0/rs2
or rd rs1 imm4:0/rs2
xor rd rs1 imm4:0/rs2
shr rd rs1 imm4:0/rs2' See below

nzresv = must be zero; non-zero values are reserved

immediate encoding variants: prefix, store, jal, li, load, alu, shift.

Decoding rules

The minimize the decoding cost, almost all fields have a fixed locations, notably registers designators rd, rs1, and rs2.

The exception is the immedate fields where only the sign is in a fixed location. There seven cases:

  • prefix uses insn[10:0] as the [14:5] of the immediate for the following instruction
  • stores always have rs2 register argument and insn[15,10:8] as a signed immediate
  • jal takes an absolute address from rs2 iff insn[15,4,3] == 4, other uses insn[15,4:0,7:5,10:8] as a signed 11-bit immediate field.
  • li forms an 9-bit signed immediate from insn[15,7:0]
  • load always used insn[15,4:0] for the signed immediate
  • alu uses rs2 iff insn[15,4,3] == 4 otherwise uses insn[15,4:0] as signed immediate.
  • The shift instruction has a less regular encoding (trading simplicity for density):
sign,imm4:0 Decoding
00iiii srl imm4
01iiii sra imm4
100rrr srl rs2
101rrr sll rs2
110rrr sra rs2
111iii sll imm3

That is

  • sll iff S & insn[3],
  • sra or srl iff !S | !insn[3]
  • sra iff SRx & insn[4]
  • imm4 iff !S
  • imm3 iff S & insn[4] & insn[3]

Unfortunately, the eight missing sll with 8,..,15 immediates have to broken up into two instructions.

Condition codes are decoded as: eq,ne,-,-,lt,ge,ltu,geu. E.g. skipc r9, geu, 11 means that if (unsigned)r9 >= 11u then the next instruction is ignored (if skipping a prefix then a total of two instructions are skipped).


Inspiration taken from RISC-V, Yale Patt's LC-3, and IBM's PowerPC

Deeply indebt to Erik Corry for poking holes in many many earlier drafts and suggesting changes. All remaining errors are mine.


  • Change skipc to pred (which implies flipping the meaning). This is mostly to make RISC-V translations trivial.
  • Fix the behavior of pred on prefix
  • Complete the assembly and testing of every instruction
  • Write small examples (Sieve, recursive fib, ...)
  • (Eventually) rework the opcode & shift bitpatterns for cheaper decoding.

Nice to have, but not planned:

  • Small compiler
  • Timing simulator
  • Verilog implementation/FPGA Softcore


Anti80 is design exercise in a more compiler friendly architecture in roughly the same implementation budget as the Z80


Language:Rust 100.0%