is a ROS package which contains a nodelet based on Semi-Global Matching on the GPU by D. Hernandez-Juarez .
- Docker
- Docker Compose
- Nvidia Docker2
$ cd <YourCatkinWorkspace>/src
$ git clone
$ cd ..
$ catkin_make
$ roslaunch sgm_gpu test.launch
$ git clone
$ cd sgm_gpu_ros/docker
$ xhost +local:root
$ sudo docker-compose up
A node calculates disparity from stereo image topic.
(sensor_msgs/Image)Rectified image topic from left camera. Should be remapped.
(sensor_msgs/Image)Rectified image topic from right camera. Should be remapped.
<base topic of left_image>/camera_info
(sensor_msgs/CameraInfo)Subscribed automatically based on topic of left_image.
<base topic of right_image>/camera_info
(sensor_msgs/CameraInfo)Subscribed automatically based on topic of right_image.
(stereo_msgs/DisparityImage)Disparity image computed by SGM
(int)Parameter used in SGM algorithm. See SGM on GPU papar and SGM paper .
Default value is
from SGM on GPU . -
(int)Parameter used in SGM algorithm. See SGM on GPU papar and SGM paper .
Default value is
from SGM on GPU . -
(bool)Check left-right consistency if true.
Default value is
. -
(string)See image_transport
- Disparity range is
[0, 127]
While running unreal engine, you can make sgm depth map with stereo camera by setting ~/Document/Airsim/settings.json
with given settings.json file
$ roslaunch airsim_ros_pkgs airsim_node.launch
$ roslaunch sgm_gpu_ros test_airsim.launch