tlambert03 / tlambert03

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

I'm a neurobiologist and microscopist by training, and I enjoy maintaining libraries in the general ecosystem of python image visualization and analysis.

  • I was a core developer of napari.
  • Many of the reusable patterns I developed there have been extracted into reusable libraries in the pyapp-kit organization which I continue to maintain.
  • I also maintain the pymmcore-plus organization, a set of packages for microscopy aquisition in pure-python/C++ environments.

In this github org, notable libraries include:

  • FPbase: source code for, the fluorescent protein database.
  • nd2: modern nd2 (Nikon NIS-elements) file reader with broad support
  • ome-types: Python classes for working with the OME datamodel (i.e. OME-XML metadata)
  • pycudadecon: Python wrapper for CUDA-accelerated 3D deconvolution for microscopy
  • pycudasirecon: CUDA-accelerated reconstruction for 3D-structured-illumination
  • cmap: Comprehensive colormap library, with only numpy dependency
  • PSFmodels: Scalar and vectorial models of the 3D microscope point spread function.
  • mrc: deltavision (.mrc/.dv) image file format reader/writer.
