curl -sL | sh
sudo apt install guake sublime-text
sudo wget -O /etc/udev/rules.d/70-uf2.rules
Hit Ctrl+Alt+P
PuTTY/Terminal client path
:C:\bin\kitty.exe -load "Default Settings" -A -P !# -t -m "%TEMP%\putty.txt" !U@!@ !`cmd.exe /c echo cd '!/' ; TERM=xterm-color /bin/bash -login > "%TEMP%\putty.txt"`
TITLEBAR='\[\e]0;\u@\h\a\]'; PS1="${TITLEBAR}${PS1}"
apt install keychain
add to the end of ~/.bashrc
/usr/bin/keychain --clear $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa
source $HOME/.keychain/$HOSTNAME-sh
sudo apt install fonts-powerline
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
sed -ri 's/^ZSH_THEME=".+"(.*)/ZSH_THEME="agnoster"\1/' ~/.zshrc
sed -ri 's@^(#\s*)?HIST_STAMPS=.*@HIST_STAMPS="dd/mm/yyyy"@' ~/.zshrc
sed -ri 's/^(#\s*)?COMPLETION_WAITING_DOTS=.*/COMPLETION_WAITING_DOTS="true"/' ~/.zshrc
sudo apt update
sudo apt install curl dnsutils dtrx git htop jq lnav ncdu python3-pip tree vim-nox wget zsh
sudo pip install docker-compose httpie http-prompt
sudo npm i -g fx
- BorgBackup - deduplicating backup program. Optionally, it supports compression and authenticated encryption.
- Borgmatic - wrapper script for the Borg backup software that creates and prunes backups
- ctop - Top-like interface for Docker container metrics
- Dive - Explore Docker images' layers contents
- Hexyl - command-line hex viewer
- lnav - log viewer
- mitmproxy - interactive HTTPS proxy
- mtr - ping + traceroute
- Cabot - Self-hosted, easily-deployable monitoring and alerts service - like a lightweight PagerDuty
- cockpit - server manager that makes it easy to administer your GNU/Linux servers via a web browser
- docker-ce
- fail2ban - scans log files (e.g. /var/log/apache/error_log) and bans IPs that show the malicious signs -- too many password failures, seeking for exploits, etc
- netdata - distributed real-time performance and health monitoring
bash <(curl -Ss all --dont-wait
- DockProm - docker-compose project to deploy Grafana+Prometheus+cAdvisor
- mysql - db, web admin, dump, load
- postgres - db, web admin, dump, load
- mongodb - db, web admin, dump, load
- fake smtp - smtp server which does not send email for real but provide a web interface to show what would have been sent
- smtp relay - when TLS is in the way
- sftp
- Jenkins DSL ready - Jenkins ready to go as a Docker image
- Portainer - web interface for managing containers, images, networks and volumes
- Taurus - automate jMeter HTTP load tests
- teleconsole - share a termnial console with anyone (allows to forward ports)
- testinfra - test your infrastructure
- Traefik - reverse proxy / load balancer that's easy, dynamic, automatic, fast, full-featured, open source, production proven, provides metrics, and integrates with every major cluster technology
- Venom - manage and run your integration tests with efficiency - Venom run executors (script, HTTP Request, web, imap, etc... ) and assertions