tensorturtle / spot-mining

Playbook for RVN mining on AWS EC2 spot instances

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Playbook for RVN mining on AWS EC2 spot instances. Highly uneconomical.

Infrastructure Setup


curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tensorturtle/spot-mining/main/rvn_script.sh -o rvn_script.sh
sudo chmod +x rvn_script.sh

Then run

  • We use nanoseconds as a proxy for random numbers (accessing /dev/urandom causes problems when run as systemd service)
  • The system as configured can be an EC2 AMI, and spot instances launched from it will automatically be configured.

We use Ohio: us-east-2 region.

Go to AWS Console -> EC2 -> Spot Requests -> Request Spot Instances

AMI: Deep Learning OSS Nvidia driver AMI GPU PyTorch 2.1.0 (Ubuntu 20.04)

In Target capacity, tick Maintain target capacity and Interruption behavior: Stop

In Instance type requirements tick Manually select instance types. Delete pre-existing ones and add g5.xlarge.

Instance Initial Setup

NBMiner for Raven (RVN)

Install NBMiner: https://github.com/NebuTech/NBMiner

Download NBMiner_42.3_Linux.tgz:

wget https://dl.nbminer.com/NBMiner_42.3_Linux.tgz
tar -xvf NBMiner_42.3_Linux.tgz
cd NBMiner_Linux

Copy nbminer executable to a PATH location:

sudo cp nbminer /usr/bin

Edit start_rvn.sh with your pool URL and wallet ID. Also, remove the ./ in front of nbminer since we put it on PATH already. Also, add #!/bin/bash at the top.

vim start_rvn.sh

It should now look something like:

nbminer -a kawpow -o stratum+tcp://asia-rvn.2miners.com:6060 -u RPB59KtYQbfFVVV5hkFHYSSctypbSLRhtd.aws-seoul-rvn-spot-p2-1

To persist this program, create a systemd service.

sudo vim /etc/systemd/system/nbminer.service

And copy-paste:

Description=NBMiner RVN



Make sure this starts on boot

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable nbminer.service
sudo systemctl start nbminer.service

Monitor the process:

sudo journalctl --follow -u nbminer.service

lolMiner for Nexa

cd ~
wget https://github.com/Lolliedieb/lolMiner-releases/releases/download/1.84/lolMiner_v1.84_Lin64.tar.gz
tar -xvf lolMiner_v1.84_Lin64.tar.gz
mv 1.84 lolMiner
cd lolMiner
sudo cp lolMiner /usr/bin

Create a mine_nexa_2miners.sh:

vim mine_nexa_2miners.sh

It should look something like:

lolMiner --algo NEXA --pool nexa.2miners.com:5050 --user nexa:nqtsq5g5vld08wyr26uxhqml9jczc2x2ldgf0kn4vhpj5mam.aws-seoul-p3

Give it execution privilege:

sudo chmod +x mine_nexa_2miners.sh

To persist this program, create a systemd service.

sudo vim /etc/systemd/system/lolminer.service

And copy-paste:

Description=lolMiner Nexa



Make sure this starts on boot

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable lolminer.service
sudo systemctl start lolminer.service

Monitor the process:

sudo journalctl --follow -u lolminer.service

Reconnecting after Interruption

The above configuration ensures that even if this spot instance is interrupted, it should start mining again once it automatically comes back.

However, the IP address may change.


Playbook for RVN mining on AWS EC2 spot instances


Language:Shell 100.0%