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Read the book “Fluid Engine Development”, and expand it if possible。

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"Fluid Engine Development" is actually a compensation for your exam-oriented education.

By reading the code, you will realize that writing a pyhsics or math formula on paper fluently is still far from truly understanding it, but rather becoming familiar with its appearance.

Everyone who loves physics can't afford to miss this wonderful book. If only I had come across this book earlier.

📦 Contents:

🗓 To Do:

📎 Reference:

Contents :

  • CRTP

    The results of most operations related to Matrices and Vectors are defined as a new agent type.All these types are CRTP and derive from Matrix_Expression or Vector_Expression.

      // CRTP base
      template <typename T, typename E>
      class MatrixExpression
          const E &operator()() const{
              return static_cast<const E &>(*this);
      template <...>
      class Matrix final : public MatrixExpression<T, Matrix<...>>

    By using CRTP, we can delay the calculation until a specific result is needed. The new storage space is also not required.

      template <...>
      class MatrixBinaryOp : public MatrixExpression<T, MatrixBinaryOp<...>>
          T operator()(std::size_t i, std::size_t j) const{
              return _op(_u(i, j), _v(i, j));} //  <-- calculate
          const E1 &_u; 
          const E2 &_v;
          Op _op;
  • CSR

    The compressed sparse row (CSR) represents a matrix M by three (one-dimensional) arrays, that respectively contain nonzero values, the extents of rows, and column indices.

      template <typename T>
      class MatrixCsr final : public MatrixExpression<T, MatrixCsr<T>>
          NonZeroContainterType _nonZeros;
          IndexContainterType _colIndex;
          IndexContainterType _rowPtr;

    This is a simplified version of std::async is wrappered by using std::thread and std::future. The code concise below has a lot of modern c++ syntax, which is worth learning, alought the more convenient way is to use std::async.

      template <typename TASK_T>
      inline void schedule(TASK_T &&fcn)
          std::thread thread(std::forward<TASK_T>(fcn));
      template <typename TASK_T>
      using operator_return_t = typename std::invoke_result<TASK_T>::type;
      template <typename TASK_T>
      inline auto async(TASK_T &&fcn) -> std::future<operator_return_t<TASK_T>>
          using package_t = std::packaged_task<operator_return_t<TASK_T>()>;
          auto task = std::make_shared<package_t>(std::forward<TASK_T>(fcn));
          auto future = task->get_future();
          schedule([task=task]() { 
          return future;

    Let's explain this code step by step. The first strange function is std : : invoke_result. The usage of std::invoke_result is as follows:

      template< class F, class... ArgTypes >
      class invoke_result;

    Which is used to duduce the return type of an INVOKE expression at compile time. Where confusion may arise is that F is not a object but a type,and the same for others. Besides, ArgTypes are just useful when you have overloaded operator() or overloaded functions.

    We can also use template to get the type of a function object:

      template <typename TASK_T>
      using operator_return_t = typename std::invoke_result<TASK_T>::type;

    The second strange function is std : : packaged_task.

      template< class R, class ...ArgTypes >
      class packaged_task<R(ArgTypes...)>;

    The class template std::packaged_task wraps any Callable target (function, lambda expression, bind expression, or another function object) so that it can be invoked asynchronously.1

      using package_t = std::packaged_task<operator_return_t<TASK_T>()>;
      auto task = new package_t(std::forward<TASK_T>(fcn));
      auto future = task->get_future();

    Therefore, the code above wraps the function and define a std::future sothat you can get the answer through it.

      std::thread thread(std::forward<TASK_T>(fcn));

    Finally, we create a thread to run the function and deteach it(do not wait for it to finish).

      template<typename T>
      void fwd(T&& param)             

    Perfect forwarding is used twice above, and i hope you can understand both reference collapsing and Perfect forwarding.

  • CG

    Our interest in the conjugate gradient method is twofold. It is one of the most useful tecnniques for solving large linear systems of equations, and it can also be adapted to solve nolinear optimization problems2.

      BlasType::residual(A, *x, b, r);                           //r = A * x - b
      *p = -*r;                                                  //p = -r
      typename BlasType::ScalarType rr = BlasType::dot(*r, *r);  //rr = r * r
      unsigned int k = 0;
      while (rr > tolerance && k <= maxNumberOfIterations)
          BlasType::mvm(A, *p, q);                               //q = A * p
          typename BlasType::ScalarType alpha = rr / BlasType::dot(*p, *q);
          BlasType::axpy(alpha, *p, *x, x);                      //x = x + alpha * p
          BlasType::axpy(alpha, *q, *r, r);                      //r = r + alpha * q 
          typename BlasType::ScalarType old_rr = rr;
          rr = BlasType::dot(*r, *r);
          typename BlasType::ScalarType beta = rr / old_rr;      //beta = rr / rr
          BlasType::axpy(beta, *p, -*r, p);                      //p = beta * p - r
  • Ray-AABB-Intersection

    Kay and Kayjia developed a method based on "slabs" where a slab is the space between two parallel plane3. It is a simple method to ascertain whether a ray intersects with an axis-aligned bounding box(AABB).

    Generally, when a line intersects with an AABB, the ray's origin can be categorized into 5 distinct scenarios, as illustrated below:


    We use : $\vec{r}_0 + t \cdot \vec{r}_d$ to represent a parametric line and $t_i$ to represent the intersection of line and boundary,and we can find that:

    1. $$\qquad 0 &lt; t_1 &lt; t_3 &lt; t_2 &lt; t_4 &lt; \infty$$
    2. $$\qquad t_1 &lt; 0 &lt; t_3 &lt; t_2 &lt; t_4 &lt; \infty$$
    3. $$\qquad t_1 &lt; t_3 &lt; 0 &lt; t_2 &lt; t_4 &lt; \infty$$
    4. $$\qquad t_1 &lt; t_3 &lt; t_2 &lt; 0 &lt; t_4 &lt; \infty$$
    5. $$\qquad t_1 &lt; t_3 &lt; t_2 &lt; t_4 &lt; 0 &lt; \infty$$

    We only need to consider the first two cases. The third case is assessed as 'contained within the bounding box', and the last two cases are deemed as non-intersecting. Naturally We can draw a conclusion that: $$Intersect : max(t_1, t_3, 0) &lt; min(t_2, t_4 ,\infty)$$

    Alought there are some edge cases need to be considered.

    If we raise the dimension to three-dimensional space, the positional relationship between straight line and cube will become unimaginable. However, just remember that, the straight line will pass through three planes first, and then the remaining three planes.(As before, we just consider the cases that the straight line does not parallel to any plane.)

    Therefore, the only difference between 2-D and 3-D is that we have 4 parameters $(t_1,t_2,t_3,t_4)$ in 2-D space while 6 paramters $(t_1,t_2,t_3,t_4,t_5,t_6)$ in 3-D space.

  • Quaternion and 3-D Rotation Matrix

    In $R^3$, a proper rotation by angle $\theta$ around the axis $\vec{u}$ can be written concisely as :4 $$\vec{v'} = cos\theta \cdot\vec{v} + (1-cos\theta)(\vec{u}\cdot\vec{v})\vec{u}+sin\theta\cdot(\vec{u}\times\vec{v})$$

    The representations of rotations by quaternions are more compact than the representations by matrices. In addition, unlike Euler angles, they are not susceptible to "gimbal lock".5 $$v' = q v q^* = qvq^{-1} \qquad v=(0, \vec{v}) \qquad q=(cos( \frac{1}{2} \theta),sin( \frac{1}{2} \theta) \vec{u})$$

    If you are new to quaternion, this Quaternion Introduction is all you needed.

  • Builder Pattern

    The builder pattern is a design pattern designed to provide a flexible solution to various object creation problems in object-oriented programming. The intent of the builder design pattern is to separate the construction of a complex object from its representation. 6

    Furthermore, it's possible to integrate the Builder Pattern with the Curiously Recurring Template Pattern (CRTP). At first glance,the implementation may appear somewhat complex and puzzeling. However, once finished, it becomes exceedingly straightforward to use.

      template <typename DrivedBuilder>
      class SurfaceBuilderBase3
          DrivedBuilder &withIsNormalFlipped(...);
          DrivedBuilder &withTranslation(...);
          DrivedBuilder &withOrientation(...);
          DrivedBuilder &withTransform(...);
          bool _isNormalFlipped;
          Transform3 _transform;
      class Sphere3::Builder final : public SurfaceBuilderBase3<Sphere3::Builder>
          Builder &withCenter(...);
          Builder &withRadius(...);
          Sphere3 build() const;
          Sphere3Ptr makeShared() const;
          Vector<double, 3> _center; 
          double _radius;
  • Animation and Physics Animation

    When i initially encountered the animation code, terms like subTimeSteps, update, onUpdate, advanceTimeStep and onAdvanceTimeStep perplexed me. However, upon scrutinizing the entire code with a global perspective, my comprehension improved. It dawned on me that I should document my insights to avoid forgetting them.

    First of all, subTimeSteps are slices that an original frame (_timeIntervalInSeconds = 1.0s / 60.0) are further divided into. Consequently, this allows for more precise computations and integrations.

    Secondly, the order of these four functions are called is important, which can be sumarized as the followed table:

    Function name: update onUpdate advanceTimeStep onAdvanceTimeStep
    Order : 1-> 2-> 3-> ->4
    Virtual :
    Parameter : frame frame timeIntervalInSeconds actualTimeInterval

    After knowing all of these, we can use matplotlib.animation to generate our first simulation in this book, which are balls and springs. It is such a classic problem in physics book. I was so execited when i see it on my screen. Mp4 file is under render_dir.


  • Flatbuffer

    FlatBuffers is a cross platform serialization library architected for maximum memory efficiency. It allows you to directly access serialized data without parsing/unpacking it first, while still having great forwards/backwards compatibility.

    It is also my first time to hear about the word: "serialization", and i was puzzled about it at first. Expecially, when i see the Chinese translation for "serialization": 序列化, i felt even more confused. 😰

    However, after about a week, when i conbine "serialization" with the question from a long time ago, that how does c++ communicate with python, i guess all programmer has thought about similar question, i begin to understand what does it means.

      include "basic_types.fbs";
      namespace big.fbs;
      table PointParallelHashGridSearcher2 {
      root_type PointParallelHashGridSearcher2;

    The following is a quick rundown of how to use this flatbuffer :7

    Order Usage in brief
    1 Write a schema file likes above🔑 and compile source code.
    2 Use flatc(Executable) to generate a header file.
    3 Construct a flat binary buffer🔒 with the generated files.

    Simply put, by using flatbuffer, you can convert your special abstract data structure into the binary memory, therefore, other language can also recognize this serialized data.

Particle-System-Data Structure

ToDo :

11. Complete the ParticalSystemData and its corresponding files.

10. Complete the animation ,physics_animation and render first animation2D.

9. Complete the surface of sphere and plane ,while box and cylinder are not done.

8. Complete the surface.h and its corresponding files.

7. Complete the Field, scalar_field, vector_field and conjugate gradient parts.

6. Complete the matrix.h and its corresponding files.

5. Complete the vector2.h, vector3.h and vector4.h.

4. Complete the vector.h and its corresponding files.

3. Complete the array3.h and its corresponding files.

2. Complete the array2.h and its corresponding files.

1. Complete the array1.h and its corresponding files.

0. Do some preparations about git , cmake and vscode's xxx.json .

Reference :










Read the book “Fluid Engine Development”, and expand it if possible。


Language:C++ 94.9%Language:Jupyter Notebook 2.6%Language:CMake 1.3%Language:Python 1.0%Language:C 0.2%