stack-of-tasks / eiquadprog

C++ reimplementation of eiquadprog

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


jcarpent opened this issue · comments

The original mention of the license of the code is largely missing.
The code is a copy paster or former code by Andrea.

This should be fixed before any formal release I would say.


The release v1.0.0 is imminent. The license says

Stack Of Tasks development team

@andreadelprete: do you want to add anything ?

The original license is coming from people of Eigen. Please copy/past where it is required.

I think @jmirabel may provide some hints about the original license

Here are the pieces of information I could gather:

About the license of quadprog, I traced back the origin of the file:

To conclude, I think we can safely assume quadprog is LGPL.

So the core code of this module should be LGPL and not BSD as currently mentioned.

I think it should be GPL, except if Gael Guennebaud (and maybe Benjamin Stephens) agrees to change this to LGPL.

Very good job backtracking the origin of this piece of code @jmirabel !
I confirm that this matches what I knew about it, and that I started my development from the version of Benjamin Stephens.

Thanks for that job :D

From the link in #2, it looks like Gael Guennebaud latest version is LGPL, so I think that we can use that.

I think you can assume Gael Guennebaud has already accepted the LGPL licence.

Hi everybody,
so are we going for LGPL?
Concretely, what action should we take and where should the licence info go?
Is it enough to change the LICENSE file?
@jcarpent, what do you think?
@nim65s, could you take care of it?

According to GNU, for the LGPL (and their other licenses), in addition of the main file, we have to put a license notice in each and every file.

I hate that, but will do it.

Fixed and released. Thank you all on this issue :)