spokV / VQ-VAE-WaveNet

TensorFlow implementation of VQ-VAE with WaveNet decoder, based on https://arxiv.org/abs/1711.00937 and https://arxiv.org/abs/1901.08810

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This is a TensorFlow implementation of vqvae with wavenet decoder, based on https://arxiv.org/abs/1711.00937 and https://arxiv.org/abs/1901.08810.

Also see vq-vae-melgan using melgan in place of wavenet for real-time application.


TensorFlow r1.12 / r1.14, numpy, librosa, scipy, tqdm


The folder results contains some reconstructed audio. Speaker conversion works well, but encoder (local condition) needs some more tuning.



There are 3 encoders implemented:

  • 64 6 layers strided conv, as mentioned in original paper (default)
  • Magenta encoder from nsynth-magenta, wavenet alike
  • 2019 the one described in https://arxiv.org/abs/1901.08810

Parameters can be found in Encoder/encoder.py and model_parameters.json.


There are 2 ways to train the embedding:

  • train $z_e$ and $e_k$ separately, as described in original paper (default)
  • train them together without tf.stop_gradient

Initialising the embedding:

  • uniform scaling (default)
  • random normal init

This could be turned off as well, in which case an AE is trained.

Parameters can be found in model_parameters.json.


WaveNet decoder.

Parameters can be found in wavenet_parameters.json.



Supports VCTK (default) and LibriSpeech. Download data and put the unzipped folders 'VCTK-Corpus' or 'LibriSpeech' in the folder data. To train from custom datasets, refer to dataset.py for making iterators.

example usage:

python3 train.py -dataset VCTK -length 6656 -batch 8 -step 100000 -save saved_model/weights

  • -dataset VCTK or LibriSpeech
  • -length length of segment to use in training, must be multiples of largest dilation rate, recommended 320ms
  • -batch batch size
  • -step number of steps to train
  • -save save to (e.g. saved_model/weights)
  • -restore resume from pretrained model (e.g. saved_model/weights-110640)
  • -interval steps between each log written to disk


Implements fast generation; starts from zeros.

example usage: python3 generate.py -restore saved_model/weights-110640 -audio data/VCTK-Corpus/wav48/p225/p225_001.wav -speakers p225 p226 p227 p228 -mode sample

  • -restore where to restore trained model and save embedding & generated audio
  • -audio which audio to use as local condition
  • -speakers which speaker(s) to use as global condition, must be consistent with training data
  • -mode method to sample from predicted quantised distribution (sample, greedy)


For now it saves the trained vq embedding space, and visualises through http://projector.tensorflow.org

example usage: python3 visualise.py -embedding embedding_110640.npy -speaker speaker_embedding_110640.npy -save embeddings then upload tsv files in folder embeddings to the website.

Note that the speaker embedding separated gender almost perfectly (upload the vec and meta files to http://projector.tensorflow.org, then search for #f# or #m#). Also q(z|x) did slowly converge to the assumed uniform prior distribution.


Stuff I've tried:

  • At each frame of encoder output, instead of predicting a vector and find nearest neighbour and use the index as a one-hot categorical distribution, I make the last encoder channel = k, then apply a softmax so it represents a k-way softmax distribution, whose KL-divergence with a uniform prior is the same as a cross entropy loss. Add this loss in addition to the original 3 losses.

  • First train without decoder, then freeze embedding & encoder and train decoder. This made the vq embedding space more diverse than training the whole model altogether.


  • Train a prior based on vq

Alternative Implementation

The folder Magenta contains an implementation that I collaged from 'official' code. High coupling. My own implementation draws insights from there. Training and Generating are pretty similar.



TensorFlow implementation of VQ-VAE with WaveNet decoder, based on https://arxiv.org/abs/1711.00937 and https://arxiv.org/abs/1901.08810


Language:Python 99.7%Language:Shell 0.3%