sparshgarg23 / SqueezeDet-PyTorch-1

PyTorch Implementation of SqueezeDet: Real-Time Object Detection for Autonomous Driving

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An unofficial PyTorch reimplementation of SqueezeDet, with better performance on KITTI benchmark than the official Tensorflow version (and cleaner codes!)

A lot of the code has been borrowed from The purpose was to understand Squeeze Det and see how it performs on KITTI For my case I trained the model for 223 epochs approximately due to limited resources(even colab pro has its limitations) Then I used the model trained by QiuJuqin to evaluate the model's performance on KITTI Special thanks to QiuJueqin for open sourcing his work



Classes Car (E/M/H) Pedestrian (E/M/H) Cyclist (E/M/H) mAP
This repo 92.8 / 88.7 / 79.0 82.1 / 75.4 / 72.5 82.3 / 76.9 / 73.8 80.4
Paper 90.2 / 84.7 / 73.9 82.9 / 75.4 / 72.1 77.1 / 68.3 / 65.8 76.7



This project was developed and tested on Colab.


  • Clone this repository:

    git clone

Here ROOT_DIR is simply content/SqueezeDet-Pytorch-1

Run demo

Simply run:

cd $ROOT_DIR/src
python demo

That's it. All pre-trained model and sample images have been included in the repo. If everything goes well you will see detection results like this:

Training & evaluation

KITTI 2D object detection benchmark

  • Download KITTI object detection dataset (images and labels) to your disk, unzip them and you will get two directories: training/ and testing/. Create a symbolic link to data/kitti of the working directory:

    mkdir $ROOT_DIR/data/kitti
    ln -s training/ testing/ $ROOT_DIR/data/kitti
  • Then read all samples' ID into a trainval.txt file:

    cd $ROOT_DIR/data/kitti
    mkdir image_sets
    cd ./image_sets
    ls ../training/image_2/ | grep ".png" | sed s/.png// > trainval.txt
  • Use the script to randomly split the KITTI's training data into a training set and a vlidation set half-and-half:

    cd $ROOT_DIR/src/utils

    A train.txt and a val.txt files will be generated that record the sample IDs for training and validation sets. Now the structure of your data folder should look like:

                      |     |-- image_2/00****.png
                      |     L-- label_2/00****.txt
                      |     L-- image_2/00****.png
                            |-- trainval.txt
                            |-- train.txt
                            L-- val.txt
  • Before using KITTI's development kit to evaluate models, we need to compile it first:

    cd $ROOT_DIR/src/utils/kitti-eval
  • To evaluate trained model on the validation set, run:

    cd $ROOT_DIR/src
    python eval --load_model ../models/squeezedet_kitti_epoch280.pth --exp_id my_eval

    and you will get results like this:

    Your evaluation results are available in /home/qiujueqin/squeezedet/exp/my_eval/results
    Car_easy             0.922
    Car_moderate         0.877
    Car_hard             0.784
    Pedestrian_easy      0.814
    Pedestrian_moderate  0.743
    Pedestrian_hard      0.718
    Cyclist_easy         0.816
    Cyclist_moderate     0.762
    Cyclist_hard         0.737
    mAP                  0.797
  • To train the model, run:

    python train --load_model ../models/imagenet/squeezenet1_1-f364aa15.pth --exp_id my_train

    where squeezenet1_1-f364aa15.pth is a PyTorch official SqueezeNet model pre-trained on ImageNet. We do not recommend to train SqueezeDet from scratch. All logs will be saved to $ROOT_DIR/exp/my_train directory.

    By default we use batch_size=20 and num_workers=4. You can find more parameter options by running python --help:

    usage: [-h] [--dataset DATASET] [--load_model LOAD_MODEL]
                 [--debug DEBUG] [--exp_id EXP_ID] [--arch ARCH]
                 [--dropout_prob DROPOUT_PROB] [--lr LR] [--momentum MOMENTUM]
                 [--weight_decay WEIGHT_DECAY] [--grad_norm GRAD_NORM]
                 [--num_epochs NUM_EPOCHS] [--num_iters NUM_ITERS]
                 [--batch_size BATCH_SIZE]
                 [--master_batch_size MASTER_BATCH_SIZE]
                 [--save_intervals SAVE_INTERVALS]
                 [--val_intervals VAL_INTERVALS] [--no_eval]
                 [--print_interval PRINT_INTERVAL] [--flip_prob FLIP_PROB]
                 [--drift_prob DRIFT_PROB] [--forbid_resize]
                 [--class_loss_weight CLASS_LOSS_WEIGHT]
                 [--positive_score_loss_weight POSITIVE_SCORE_LOSS_WEIGHT]
                 [--negative_score_loss_weight NEGATIVE_SCORE_LOSS_WEIGHT]
                 [--bbox_loss_weight BBOX_LOSS_WEIGHT] [--nms_thresh NMS_THRESH]
                 [--score_thresh SCORE_THRESH] [--keep_top_k KEEP_TOP_K]
                 [--gpus GPUS] [--num_workers NUM_WORKERS]
                 [--not_cuda_benchmark] [--seed SEED]

    Here are loss curve and mAP curve from one training process:



Licensed under MIT.


PyTorch Implementation of SqueezeDet: Real-Time Object Detection for Autonomous Driving


Language:Jupyter Notebook 98.7%Language:Python 0.9%Language:C++ 0.4%Language:Makefile 0.0%