somrajroy / docker

Docker repo

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Create a Mongodb/NodeJS app with data persistence.

This covers docker networking, volumes, Docker registries, Image/Container management and Docker compose.

Steps to be followed

  • Clone the repository to your localmachine
  • Build the frontend image with below command
    $ docker build -t mongoapp .
  • Tag the image and upload in Docker hub. (optional step)
    $ docker tag mongoapp <<-your-dockerhub-username->>/mongoapp:1.0
    $ docker push <<-your-dockerhub-username->>/mongoapp:1.0
  • Run docker compose to create Mongodb and Mongoexpress
    $ docker-compose up -d
  • Goto Mongo express : http://localhost:8080
  • Create a database in Mongodb as "my-db"
  • Create a collection "users"
  • Create the frontend container with below command using the image created in 1st step. (Please debug minor issues if there are any & start the container. You can also pull the image from docker hub where you uploaded the image earlier)
    $ docker run --name mongoapp --network docker_default -dp 3000:3000 mongoapp
  • Visit the local webpage at http://localhost:3000 You can update the data and verify that data is persisting even after container restarts/deletion (You may delete the mongoapp container and create a new one to verify data persistence)
  • Clear everything $ docker rm -f mongoapp
    $ docker-compose down
    $ docker-compose down --volume


  • In this demo we are creating the frontend with a Dokerfile and the backend with a docker compose file (Mongodb + Mongoexpress). However we can put everything together in docker compose file. We can then create & destroy everything with single command (docker-compose down).
  • Please create an end to end docker compose file by the weekend and share with me.




Docker repo


Language:HTML 62.1%Language:JavaScript 32.4%Language:Dockerfile 5.5%