sohaila-ahmed3011 / motion_planning

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Motion Planning for Autonomous Vehicles

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Course Structure 👾

  • Introduction 📚

  • Introduction to Optimization 📚

  • Variation of Calculus 📚

    • Extremum 📜code 📜code
    • Convexity
    • Linearization of function up to the second variation
    • Incremental of a function
    • Incremental of a functional
    • Fixed value problem
    • Free terminal point problem
    • Fix point problem ( t f is fixed and x(t f ) is free)
    • Fix point problem ( t f is free and x(t f ) is fixed)
    • Free endpoint problem: if t f and x(t f ) are uncorrelated
    • Free endpoint problem: if t f and x(t f ) are depended on each other

  • Hamiltonian (Optimal control theory)📚

    • Constrained Minimization of functions
      • Elimination method (direct method)
      • The Lagrange multiplier method: examples general formulation
    • Constrained Minimization of functional: Point constraints, differential equation constraints
    • Hamiltonian
    • The necessary condition for optimal control
    • Boundary conditions for optimal control: with the fixed final time and the final state specified or free
    • Boundary conditions for optimal control: with the free final time and the final state specified, free, lies on the moving point x f = θ (t f ) , or lies on a moving surface m(x(t)) )

  • Pontryagin’s Minimum Principle 📚

    • Optimal control problem
    • Pontryagin’s Minimum Principle
    • Optimal boundary value problem
    • Minimizing the square of the jerk
    • Minimizing the square of acceleration 📜min_acc_obvp(line 41)

  • Linear Quadratic Regulator 📚

    • LQR Formulation
    • LQR via least squares
    • Hamilton Jacobi Bellman (HJB) Approach
    • Bellman Optimality
    • LQR with HJB 📜DARE
    • Hamiltonian formulation to find the optimal control policy
    • Linear quadratic optimal tracking
    • Optimal reference trajectory tracking with LQR

  • Model Predictive Control (MPC)📚

    • Ways to solve Optimal Control (OCP) Problems
    • OCP Using Nonlinear Programming Problem (NLP)
    • Model Predictive Control: Prediction model, Constraints
    • Reference trajectory tracking
    • Simplified Motion Model
    • With Multiple Shooting 📜code and direct collocation 📜code
    • Continuous nonlinear system linearization
    • Discrete-time nonlinear system linearization
    • Linear Time-Varying Model Predictive Control
    • Path tracking control
    • Path tracking control with MPC: kinematic model, trajectory generation, dynamic model, and cost, formulation

  • Path planning 📚

    • Configuration Space vs Search Space for Robot
    • Path Planning Problem Formulation
    • Search-based Planning: Mapping
    • Search-based Planning: Graph
    • Graph Searching
      • Depth First Search
      • Breath First Search 📜code
      • Cost Consideration
      • Dijkstra’s Algorithm 📜code
      • Greedy Best First Search 📜code
      • A*: Combination of Greedy Best First Search and Dijkstra’s Algorithm 📜code
      • A*: Design Consideration
      • Graph-based search problem classification
      • KinoDynamic A*:Heuristics, Generating motion primitives, finding neighbors 📜code
      • Hybrid A*: Motion model, finding neighbors, cost to go h, and cost so far g 📜code
    • Sampling-based path planning
      • Probabilistic Road Map (PRM)
      • Rapidly-exploring Random Tree (RRT) 📜code
      • Rapidly-exploring Random Tree* (RRT*) 📜code
      • Pros and Cons of RRT and RRT*

  • Curve Fitting 📚

    • n degree polynomial fitting
    • Euler–Lagrange equation
    • Minimum jerk trajectory (MJT) generation
    • Quintic polynomial
    • Lagrange polynomials
    • Lagrange first-order, second-order, and nth-order interpolation
    • Spline interpolation: Linear, Quadratic, and Cubic Spline 📜Spine
    • Other types of curve fitting: Gradient descent, Double arc trajectory interpolation
    • Nonlinear curve fitting
    • Bezier curve fitting
    • B-spline curve fitting
    • Minimum-snap curve fitting

  • Frenet frame trajectory planning 📚

    • Frenet frame
    • Curve parameterization of the reference trajectory
    • Estimate the position of a given Spline
    • The road-aligned coordinate system with a nonlinear dynamic bicycle model
    • Frenet frame trajectory tracking using a nonlinear bicycle model
    • Transformations from Frenet coordinates to global coordinates
    • Polynomial motion planning
    • Frenet frame trajectory generation algorithm
    • Calculate global trajectories
  • Timed Elastic Band 📚

    • Elastic band and time elastic band
    • Way points and obstacles: polynomial approximation of constraints
    • Estimate the position of a given Spline
    • Velocity and acceleration generation
    • Non-holonomic kinematics
  • Gradient-based online trajectory generation 📚

    • Piecewise polynomial trajectory generation
    • Formulation of the objective function
    • The cost of the smoothness
    • The cost of the clearance
    • The cost of the dynamic feasibility


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[9]. Kulathunga, G., Hamed, H., Devitt, D., & Klimchik, A. (2022). Optimization-Based Trajectory Tracking Approach for Multi-Rotor Aerial Vehicles in Unknown Environments. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 7(2), 4598-4605.

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