smkdGab / Sim-to-Real-transfer-of-Reinforcement-Learning-Policies-in-Robotics

The repository is intended as a support tool for the report of the project "Sim to Real transfer of Reinforcement Learning Policies in Robotics" and it contains examples of some well-known algorithms and methods in the fields of Reinforcement Learning and Sim-to-Real transfer. The implementation is not thought to be efficient, thus we suggest you to avoid using this repo for purposes other than educational.

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Sim to Real transfer of Reinforcement Learning Policies in Robotics

by Gabriele Spina, Marco Sorbi, Christian Montecchiani.

The repository contains the code for the project Sim to Real transfer of Reinforcement Learning Policies in Robotics for the Machine Learning and Deep Learning 2021/2022 class. The repository is intended as a support tool for the report of the project and it contains examples of some well-known algorithms and methods in the fields of Reinforcement Learning and Sim-to-Real transfer. The implementation is not thought to be efficient, thus we suggest you to avoid using this repo for purposes other than educational.

Report Abstract

Nowadays, one of the main problems of the Reinforcement Learning paradigm is its challenging application to robotics, due to the difficulties of learning in the real world and modeling physics into simulations. In this report, we explore one of the more advanced methods of Domain Randomization, Automatic DR, to find out how it deals with former methods' issues and show its strengths and weaknesses.



The tests were performed using the Hopper environment of Mujoco. The environment contains a flat world with a one-legged robot and the goal is to teach the leg how to move (jump) forward as fast as possible. In particular, two environments (CustomHopper-source-v0 and CustomHopper-target-v0) were used to perform the Sim-to-Sim transfer. The two environments differ for the mass of the torso (source=2.53429174; target=3.53429174), while the other masses are unchanged.



The repository contains different implementations of RL algorithms, an implementation of Uniform Domain Randomization and one of Automatic Domain Randomization algorithm of OpenAI introduced in 2.


Three variations of the REINFORCE algorithm, following a slightly modified version of the one proposed by 3. The implementations differ for the usage of the baseline term:

  1. no baseline;
  2. whitening transformation baseline 4;
  3. state-value function baseline.

How to run the code

Running inside each folder will start a training by episodes on the selected environment, with the possibility to:

  • select the number of training episodes;
  • resume training from a previous model.

It is suggested to run the file with --help to list all the options.


Four variations of the vanilla Advantage Actor Critic algorithm, also slightly modified starting from 3. The implementations differ for:

  • loss functions of the critic network (A2C_mse and A2C_v);
  • whether the updates are batched or not (A2C_batched and A2C_stepwise).

How to run the code

Running inside each folder will start a training by episodes on the selected environment, with the possibility to:

  • select the number of training episodes;
  • select training environment;
  • select testing envinroment;
  • resume training from a previous model;
  • save the results.

It is suggested to run the file with --help to list all the options.


TRPO and PPO were imported from the stable-baselines3 package and tested on the Hopper environment. In particular, PPO is the algorithm chosen for the Domain Randomization implementation.

How to run the code

The files will start a training session by episodes or by timesteps on the selected environment 5:

  • --train source will train the agent on the source environment, while logging intermediate tests on both the source and the target environments;
  • --train target will train the agent on the target environment, while logging intermediate tests on the target environment;
  • select the log folder with --source-log-path and --target-log-path. If --train target is selected, then the value of the source log path will be ignored;
  • the scripts support also tensorboard logging in the default directory {algorithm}_train_tensorboard/;
  • the default hyperparameters are the ones found with the tuning procedure (see next section).

It is suggested to run the file with --help to list all the options.

Hyperparameters tuning

Contents of Tuning folder:

  • gridsearch for TRPO and PPO; $^1$ $^2$
  • gridsearch for REINFORCE and A2C; $^1$ $^2$
  • utils for REINFORCE and A2C; $^2$
  • utils for TRPO (;
  • utils for PPO (;
  • env (source).

To do before running the code:

  • open the interested file
  • change imports (TRPO/PPO or REINFORCE/A2C)
  • change hyperparameters to be tuned
  • set multiple_starts (optional, default=4)
  • set log_path (optional, default='outputs')

$^1$ : these are the only files supposed to be runned

$^2$ : modify the import statements at first for being sure that the code is importing the correct algorithm

Uniform Domain Randomization

Uniform Domain Randomization uses a new custom randomized environment CustomHopper-source-randomized-v0 created for the purpose. This randomized environment allows to set the bounds of the parameter distribution and it randomly samples the parameters at the beginning of each episode.

env = gym.make('CustomHopper-source-randomized-v0')
# bounds = [(a, b), ...] is a list of tuples, each containing lower and upper bounds of the distribution
env.set_debug() # prints the current values for the masses

How to run the code

UDR_env contains the randomized source environment (CustomHopper-source-randomized-v0) for UDR. is used to run the algorithm and train a new policy. It can be run using the following parameters:

  • --env-train training environment (default: CustomHopper-source-randomized-v0);
  • --env-test testing environment;
  • --eval-freq for periodically evaluating the agent in the target environment and saving intermediate results. was using for tuning the bounds of the parameters distributions. The script can be run with parameters similar to the train script. However it is required that the parameters to be tuned are modified manually. They are:

  • scale: scaling factor for all the three masses. The uniform distribution to be tuned will be centered in $\mu_i = mass_i\times scale$;
  • hw: half width of the distribution;

such that the distribution will be uniform in the interval $\left[\mu-hw, \mu+hw\right]$.

It is suggested to run both the files with --help to list all the options.

Automatic Domain Randomization

Automatic Domain Randomization was introduced by OpenAI as an adversarial approach to the Domain Randomization techniques. Our implementation relies on the algorithms and the callbacks provided by stable-baselines3. For simplicity purposes the randomized environment of the UDR was not used in this context; instead we provided the ADR class and implemented a custom callback (ADRCallback) class to handle better the modification of the bounds. The two classes are thought to be complementary and they have to be used together:

  • ADR class contains the hyperparameters of the method and the core methods for handling the buffers, evaluating the performances and updating the bounds;
  • ADRCallback class implements the BaseCallback of stable-baselines3. It is used to call the ADR methods at each episode and for debugging and logging purposes.

How to run the code

Our implementation of ADR uses PPO as default algorithm. is used to run the algorithm and train a new policy. The code displays also a live visualization of the bounds during the training procedure for monitoring purposes (an example can be found below). The script can be run using the following parameters:

  • hyperparameters of ADR ($p_b, m, \Delta, t_L, t_H$)
  • --step for selecting the method for updating the bound (contant, proportional, small_or_big, random, gaussian_noise)
  • log paths and evaluation paths for logging and saving intermediate results and target evaluations (tensorboard supported)
  • --model for resuming training of a previous model

The file is used to plot the evolution of bounds through time. The bounds should be logged in the logs/train.npz file in the same folder. It is possible to plot with respect to episodes or timesteps.

The best model ever found during the training is available in the models/best_eval folder and a simulation can be run with the script.

It is suggested to run the files with --help to list all the options.

Example of monitoring during training



{'foot_high': 2,
 'foot_low': 0,
 'thigh_high': 0,
 'thigh_low': 0,
 'leg_high': 0,
 'leg_low': 0}

[('foot_low', 1573.02703328)]

[('foot_low', 'low+', 0.01679891697261309)]

LOW_TH = 1000
HIGH_TH = 1500

| ep_length               | 315        |
| ep_return               | 1.37e+03   |
| n_episodes              | 44025      |
| num_timesteps           | 16072452   |
| rollout/                |            |
|    ep_len_mean          | 363        |
|    ep_rew_mean          | 1.5e+03    |
| time/                   |            |
|    fps                  | 1841       |
|    iterations           | 1308       |
|    time_elapsed         | 8728       |
|    total_timesteps      | 16072704   |
| train/                  |            |
|    approx_kl            | 0.03323253 |
|    clip_fraction        | 0.32       |
|    clip_range           | 0.2        |
|    entropy_loss         | 1.86       |
|    explained_variance   | 0.992      |
|    learning_rate        | 0.00025    |
|    loss                 | 9.44       |
|    n_updates            | 13070      |
|    policy_gradient_loss | 0.00747    |
|    std                  | 0.132      |
|    value_loss           | 26.1       |



  1. tensorboard logging is used in some of the scripts concerning TRPO, PPO and therefore also UDR and ADR


  3. 2


  5. the training is done by episodes only to compare the methods with REINFORCE and A2C, while generally the number of training timesteps is a more significant maeasure of the training time


The repository is intended as a support tool for the report of the project "Sim to Real transfer of Reinforcement Learning Policies in Robotics" and it contains examples of some well-known algorithms and methods in the fields of Reinforcement Learning and Sim-to-Real transfer. The implementation is not thought to be efficient, thus we suggest you to avoid using this repo for purposes other than educational.

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Python 100.0%