slowkow / cellBrowser

Python pipeline and Javascript scatter plot library for single-cell datasets

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

UCSC Single Cell Browser

Sponsored by the Chan-Zuckerberg Initiative, see

For a demo of the browser, see

This repo contains many different pieces in Python and Javascript, but the main script is cbBuild. It is a Python script that takes a gene expression matrix and related files and converts the output to JSON and binary files to the output webserver directory.

Requirements: Python2.6+ or Python3+

There is a sample dataset in sampleData/sample1, it's a minimal expression matrix for a few thousand cells and only the first 100 genes and a bit of meta data for the cells..

You can build a viewer for it in the directory ~/cells and serve that directory on port 8888:

cd sampleData/sample1/
../../src/cbBuild -o ~/cells -p 8888

The file cellbrowser.conf in sampleData/sample1/ explains all the various settings that are available in this config file. E.g. you can change the colors, add acronym tables, add all file names, add more marker gene tables, etc.

Then point your web browser to http://localhost:8888. To stop the web server, press Ctrl-C. You will have to re-run cbBuild again with -p8888 to look at it again.

The -p 8888 is optional. A more permanent alternative to the -p option is to run a webserver on your machine and build directly into its web directory, e.g. on a Mac you can use the Apache that ships with OSX:

sudo /usr/sbin/apachectl start
sudo ../../src/cbBuild -o /Library/WebServer/Documents/cells/

Now you should be able to access your viewer at http://localhost/cells

To deploy the result onto a real webserver, simply copy all files and directories under "cells" to an empty directory on a webserver and point your web browser to it. E.g. many universities give their employees homepage directories, sometimes in a directory called "~/public_html" or on a special server.

To add more datasets, simply go to the other data directories and run cbBuild again, with the same output directory. cbBuild will then modify the index.html in the output directory to show both datasets (or more).

Process an expression matrix with ScanPy

Requirements: python3 with Scanpy installed, see

We provide a wrapper around Scanpy which runs filtering, PCA, nearest-neighbors, clustering, t-SNE and UMAP and formats them for cbBuild. An example file is on our downloads server:

mkdir ~/cellData
cd ~/cellData
rsync -Lavzp ./pbmc3k/ --progress
../../cellBrowser/src/cbScanpy -e filtered_gene_bc_matrices/hg19/matrix.mtx -o cbScanpyOut/ -n pbmc3k

Convert an existing Scanpy object to a cell browser

From Jupyter or Python3:

import cellbrowser
# convert to tsv files and create a cellbrowser.conf
cellbrowser.scanpyToTsv(adata, "scanpyOut")

Then build the cell browser from the Unix shell:

cbBuild -i scanpyOut/cellbrowser.conf -o ~/cells/

Convert a CellRanger directory


Convert a Seurat object


Optional Python modules to install

In cellbrowser.conf you can specify a color file. If this file contains html color names, you have to install the module webcolors:

pip install webcolors

Adding your dataset

The first step is to copy the file sampleData/sample/cellbrowser.conf to your current directory, where the expression matrix and the meta data file is stored.

Make sure that your files have the correct line endings and fix the line endings if necessary with mac2unix or dos2unix.

file *.txt *.csv *.tsv *.tab

It's a good idea to gzip your expression matrix at this stage. The expression matrix must have only one column for the gene identifiers. Ideally your expression matrix is a tab-separated file and has as many sample columns as you have rows in the meta data file and they appear the same order. If this is the case, the conversion of the matrix is much quicker.

Edit the file cellbrowser.conf and adapt the values.

From this directory, run

cbBuild -o <yourWebserverHtmlDirectory>

Navigate your internet browser to the webserver directory (or supply the -p option to have cbBuild run a webserver).


Python pipeline and Javascript scatter plot library for single-cell datasets

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:JavaScript 62.6%Language:Python 34.6%Language:CSS 2.2%Language:HTML 0.4%Language:AngelScript 0.1%Language:Makefile 0.1%