skatesham / api-users-node-mongo

API with Node and Mongoose

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

API Node and MongoDB with connection using Mongoose

API with Node and Mongoose.

  • The default production git branch is master.
  • The web server is running with Node and Express.
  • The database configured is MongoDB and "driver" is Mongoose.
  • The authentication is JWT (Json Web Token).
  • The web listener only starts after database connect.
  • The New Relic dependency is added, and so on if you don't want configure remove require of new relic on app.js.

1. Deployment

Deploy to heroku with heroku ClI

Installing Heroku CLI:

sudo snap install --classic heroku

Login on Heroku CLI, configure project and star deploy. You must change every app name bcg-node-mongo-api as a unique name.

heroku login
heroku create bcg-node-mongo-api
git push heroku master
Obs: If already created heroku dyno you can configure as heroku git:remote -a bcg-node-mongo-api

Configure Heroku Dyno environment variables

Must configure on Heroku Dashboard the configured environment variables or with Heroku CLI as heroku config:set ATTRIBUTE_NAME=value

Configure New Relic on Heroku

Configuring without the newrelic.js file, can be done by following config environment variable, with properly attributes.

Obs: Add-on New Relic from Heroku has a free mode that is called "wayne".
heroku addons:create newrelic:wayne -a bcg-domain-core

heroku config:set NEW_RELIC_LICENSE_KEY=<Add your license key>
heroku config:set NEW_RELIC_APP_NAME=<Insert your app name>

2. Development

Running local database

Run command on project source folder as following:

docker-compose up -d

Configure Environment Variable

You can create environment variables manually or create a file .env copy as .env.example and fulfill as needed.

On for configure MONGO_URI follow the file env.example and you should configure the IP Address of container docker. For this, run:

docker inspect <id or name container> | grep "IPAddress"

Get the value as and replace ip on MONGO_URI.

Observation: Find docker container id or name on docker ps identified with image mongo.

Configure database credentials

We'll go inside docker container, connect to MongoDB as root, create a user for app connection. Run this command:

docker exec -i -t <id or name container> /bin/bash

mongodb -u- root -p
# password: example

use bcg
    user: "user_db",
    pwd: "password_db",
    roles: [ 
        { role: "readWrite", db: "bcg" }

Running application

Generate Swagger Documentatio and run as dev

npm run swagger

Run as monitor

npm run dev

Swagger URL

The port can change as the PORT environment variable changes.

Manage database data with GUI mode

Management with MongoDB Express, available on http://localhost:8081/.

Available scripts

    "dev": "nodemon app.js",
    "start": "node app.js",
    "swagger-autogen": "rm -rf swagger-api-specification.json && node swagger.js",
    "swagger": "npm run swagger-autogen && npm run dev"

3. Monitoriment

Reporting throght New Relic.
You'll must search for the app on New Relic APM Dashboard. Access on, or direct link to Dashbord ATM


API with Node and Mongoose


Language:JavaScript 97.9%Language:Shell 1.9%Language:Procfile 0.2%